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          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2018-12-10       發(fā)布人:袁雯

          Unit 11-12 階段測試卷






          擠牛奶 milk a cow               騎馬 ride a horse                   喂雞 feed chickens     


          和農(nóng)民談話 talk with a farmer     拍照片 take some photos             乘公交車 take a bus  


          帶它們回家take them home     帶某人在農(nóng)場四周看看 show sb around the farm    摘草莓 pick some strawberries


          去釣魚 go fishing               去劃船 go boating                   去電影院 go to the cinema


          去海邊go to the beach          做家庭作業(yè) do my homework          在湖邊露營 camp by the lake


           打羽毛球 play badminton       在游泳池游泳 swim in a swimming pool     放風(fēng)箏 fly a kite


          彈吉他 play the guitar           搭建帳篷 put up tents                 為考試做準(zhǔn)備 study for a test  


          講故事 tell stories               教英語 teach English                 買禮物 buy some gifts


           逃跑 run away                 坐在月亮下 sit under the moon         大吃一驚 get a terrible surprise


          把蛇叫醒 wake the snake up      看見花 see flowers                      is/am      are     


          在超市購物shop in the supermarket  eat hamburgers                      感覺高興 feel happy


          和朋友吃晚餐 have dinner with friends  捉魚 catch many fish             開車去海邊 drive to the beach


          找到些相當(dāng)有趣的東西 find something really interesting




          1.       There were a lot of __________ (visit) in the park last Sunday.

          2.       We went __________ (camp) in a small village in India.

          3.       The ___________ (paint) look very beautiful. I like them.

          4.       ___________ (luck), it didn’t rain, and the sun came out again.

          5.       Gina is a ________ (love) girl. She has a round face and big eyes.

          6.       I am ____________ (interest) in Chinese.

          7.       I think it is an ______________ (interest) book.

          8.       There are twenty kinds of ____________ (butterfly) in the museum.

          9.       I saw a lot of __________ (sheep) on the farm.

          10.   When I saw a snake, I was so __________ (scary).

          11.   –How ______ (be) your weekend?          --It was great!

          12.   She _______ (do) some reading last night.

          13.   I ____________ (not watch) TV yesterday morning.

          14.   She _______ (fly) a kite in the park last Sunday.

          15.   _______ you______ (swim) in the river last year?

          16.   He _________ (stay) at home and watched TV

          17.   He ______ (sit) on the chair and read a book.

          18.   Jim put an apple in his bag and ________ (go) away.

          19.   Peter and Bob ______ (feed) the chickens yesterday.

          20.   Can you teach me how ____________ (make) a model robot?

          21.   I felt very __________ (tire) after doing my homework..
          22. There are many __________ (visit) in the countryside.
          23. My grandparents feed many _________ (sheep) on the farm.
          24. Many animals like to live _________ (nature) world.
          25. Jack can speak three _________ (language).
          26. There are many beautiful __________(kite) in the park.
          27. I __________ (wake) my brother up this morning.
          28. They ___________ (put) up a small house on the farm yesterday.
          29. I ___________ (start) to learn English five years ago.
          30. There are two ___________ (snake) near the lake.
          31. I think it is a ___________ (use) language.
          32. Were you ________ (scare) when the room was dark?
          33. The animal has two big ________ (ear).
          34. I__________ (finish) doing my English homework one hour age.
          35. Last Friday, I __________ (read) an interesting book.

          三.選擇 (20分)

          (   ) 1. At the museum, I learned a lot _______ robots.

                A. about        B. at        C. in         D. with

          (   ) 2. My friend Jim is __________ in English.

                 A. interested    B. interests   C. interesting   D. interest

          (   ) 3. My brother bought a new bike _____me last Sunday afternoon.

                 A. for          B. to        C. in         D. with

          (   ) 4. Can you teach me how _______ a model ship?

                 A. to make      B. make      C. makes     D. making

          (   ) 5. Last Sunday, Jack ______some lovely gifts ____ me.

                A. bought, for     B. buys, for    C. bought, to   D. but, to

          (   ) 6. – Did he swim yesterday?         --_____________________.

                A. Yes, he was.    B. Yes, he did    C. No, he wasn’t     D. No, he did

          (   ) 7. –______ was your last trip?        --It was great.

                 A. What         B. How        C. Where          D. Why

          (   ) 8. He is too lazy. He didn’t want to do _________.

                 A. something     B. anything     C. nothing      D. everything

          (   ) 9. I live in a noisy neighborhood. It’s difficult _________.

                 A. sleep         B. to sleep      C. sleeps        D. sleeping

          (   ) 10. The children went to the mountain ______ Friday afternoon.

                A. in             B. on          C. with         D. at

          (   ) 11. Tina learned a lot about _______ on the ________.

                A. farm, farming  B. farms, farming  C. farming, farm   D. farming, farms

          (   ) 12. – Who teaches your English?         -- Miss Yang ________.

                  A. did          B. do           C. does        D. doing

          (   ) 13. _____ interesting book it is!

                  A. What        B. What a        C. What an     D. How

          (   ) 14. I camped ______ the lake last night.

                  A. on          B. in             C. by         D. at

          (   ) 15. Last year, I worked _____ a singer at the old people’s home.

                  A. for           b. on             C. as         D. with

          (   ) 16. Jack _____ a computer after dinner last night.

                  A. isn’t using     B. wasn’t use      C. didn’t used   D. didn’t use

          (   ) 17. Look! There are a lot of ______ on the farm.

                 A. sheeps         B. panda       C. cow       D. sheep

          (   ) 18. Did you do ______ last weekend, Yang Fang?

                 A. something interesting             B. interesting something

                 C. interesting anything               D. anything interesting

          (   ) 19. Snakes don’t have ears but they can feel things __________.

                 A. move       B. moves       C. moved    D. moving

          (   ) 20. _____ lovely weather! Let’s go for a walk!

                 A. What a      B. How       C. How a     D. What


          四.句型轉(zhuǎn)換 (8分)

          1. Tina stayed at home last night. (對劃線提問) _______ ___ Tina _____ last night?

          2. They went to the movies last Saturday. (同上) _____ ____ they ___ last Saturday?

          3. Ann went to the park by car. (同上)    _____ _____ Ann _____ to the park?

          4. She went there with her friend. (同上) ______ _____ she ____ with?

          5. It was very rainy. (同上)   _____ was the weather _____?

          6. They climbed the mountain last weekend. (改為一般疑問句)

          _____ they ________ the mountain last weekend?

          7. Han Jing bought a nice gift for her sister.  (對劃線提問)

          ______ ______ Han Jing buy for her sister.

          8. Mike did his homework last night.  (改為否定句)

          Mike _______ ____ his homework last night.

          A: 1._______________________________ last weekend?
          B: I went camping.
          A: 2.__________________________________________?
          B: My classmates. 3. ___________________________________?
          A: I went to the beach with my parents.
          B: 4. __________________________________?
          A: Yes, it was good but a little tired.
          B: Who went to the
          A: Jack 5.__________________________.
          A: Did you do 1.__________________________ last weekend?
          B: Yes, I visited my sister.
          A: 2.____________________________?
          B: She lives in the countryside. We had an interesting but scary weekend.
          A: 3. ____________________________?
          B: Because we saw a snake outside our tent.
          A: 4._________________________ terrible!
          B: Yes, it was.
          A: 5._____________________________?
          B: We jumped up and down in our tent. This woke up the snake and it moved into the forest


          Gao Ming was very busy yesterday. He got up   1     7:00 inthe morning. He washed his face   2      and had some milk and bread    3    breakfast. It was a fine day. He went to school early. He had four  4    inthe morning. He had a rest   5      lunch,    6   he worked very hard in class all day. He played basketball after school and then went home. On his way    7    , he bought a pen. When he    8   home, he had a short rest. After that he helped his parents. He quickly had   9    and cleaned the house. He watched TV for half an hour. Then he finished his homework at half past nine. He   10   at ten o’clock.

          (   ) 1. A. on           B. before           C. for         D. at

          (   ) 2. A. sadly         B. happily          C. slowly      D. quickly

          (   ) 3. A. of            B. about           C. on          D. for

          (   ) 4. A. pens          B. games           C. books      D. classes

          (   ) 5. A. before         B. at              C. in          D. after

          (   ) 6. A. and           B. but             C. or          D. for

          (   ) 7. A. home          B. to school        C. to house     D. to house

          (   ) 8. A. arrived         B. was            C. left         D. took

          (   ) 9. A. supper         B. breakfast        C. lunch        D. meals

          (   ) 10. A. went to bed   B. went to school     C. got to school  D. got up

          七、閱讀理解 (10分)

          One day, Mr. Smith went to a dinner party. He was wearing very old clothes. He came into the room. But people in the room didn’t look at him. They didn’t ask him to sit at the table. He wasn’t happy. But he said nothing.

          Mr. Smith went home quickly and put on (穿上) his best clothes. He went back to the party. Everyone in the room stood up and looked at him. They gave him good food to eat.

          Mr. Smith took off his coat, and put it on the food and said, “Eat, coat!”

          The other people were surprised and asked, “What are you doing? Why do you do that?”

          Mr. Smith answered, “I am asking my coat to eat food. When I wore old clothes, you didn’t look at me. You didn’t ask me to sit down. Now I am wearing these nice clothes. And you give me good food. Now I see, you give the food to my coat, not to me.”

              1. One day, Mr. Smith went to__________.

          A. a birthday party   B. a dinner party  C. an English party       D. a movie

              2. When he came into the room, the people didn’t look at him. Why?

          A. Because the people didn’t ask him to come.

          B. Because Mr. Smith wore(穿著) old clothes.

          C. Because Mr. Smith didn’t say hello to them first.

          D. Because it was night, they didn’t see him.

              3. Why did he go home quickly?

          A. Because he didn’t want to stay here.B. Because he went home for his best clothes.

          C. Because the people there asked him to leave.D. Because he didn’t like the food

          (   4. What’s the meaning of “surprised” in Chinese?

          A.高興的              B.不滿的                     C.吃驚地、驚奇地                     D.生氣的

              5. Which statement is right?

          A.A person in good clothes should eat good food.B. A good coat should eat good food.

          C. We can’t judge(判斷)a man by his clothes.    D. Mr. Smith is stupid(愚蠢的)




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