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          Unit 5 Theme parks


          技能目標(biāo)Skill Goals

          Talk about different types of theme parks in different cultures

          Show people around a place and give directions

          Study word formation

          Write an introduction to a place with detailed explanations

          II. 目標(biāo)語言








          Expressions used to show people around a place

          We are happy to show you ...

          Over there is the ...

          Down the path you can see ...

          The main idea/ theme in the park is ...

          You will enjoy doing/ seeing ...

          Expressions used to ask the way and give directions

          Can/ Could you show me where ... is?

          Can/ Could you tell me the way to...?

          How can we get to...?

          How far is/ are the...?

          You can reach ... by bus/ subway/ ...

          Go along/ down ... and turn left/ right at the ... crossing.

          It is just behind/ next to/ opposite the ..., you can’t miss it.

          It is about ... minutes’ walk/ bus ride.

          It is about ... meters away.





          theme, amusement, various, variety, rides, equipment, experiment, advance, advanced, technique, test, cloth, Brazil, jungle, creature, up-to-date, excitement, volunteer, jungle, sneaker, admission, outing, shuttle, brand, advanced


          roller coaster, fantasyland, imaginary, imagination, vary, Futuroscope, mysterious, T-Rex combination


          No wonder, in advance, get close to, come to life,


          theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on, involve ... in, athletic, brand, equipment, sneakers, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to, settlers, take an active part in, experiment, advanced, technique








          Derivation: add letters to the beginning or the end of a word.


          1) 前綴 (prefix):

             (1) dis-: disagree, dislike, disappear

             (2) in- (il-, im-, ir-): incorrect, impossible, irregular,

             (3) un-: unhappy, unable, unfit, 

             (4) non-: nonstop, nonverbal (非語言的)

             (5) re-: rewrite, review

          2) 后綴(suffix):

             (1) 構(gòu)成名詞:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ment, -tion, -ness, -th.

                 buyer, Chinese, socialist, musician, agreement, collection, illness, truth

             (2) 構(gòu)成形容詞: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -y, -less

          national, American, careful, exciting, cloudy, useless

          (3) 構(gòu)成動(dòng)詞: -fy, -is (z)e:

                 beautify, realize

          (4) 構(gòu)成副詞: -ly:


          (5) 構(gòu)成數(shù)詞: -teen, -ty, -th

                thirteen, sixty, twelfth



          1.1 精讀 把Warming up作為Reading 的導(dǎo)入部分,把Pre-reading、Reading 和Comprehending整合在一起作為一堂“精讀課”。

          1.2 知識(shí)點(diǎn)學(xué)習(xí) 把Reading的知識(shí)上一節(jié)“知識(shí)課”。

          1.3 語言學(xué)習(xí) 把Learning About Language上一節(jié)“練習(xí)課”。

          1.4 語法學(xué)習(xí) 把Discovering useful structures上一節(jié)“語法課”。

               1.5 聽力和閱讀Using Language的Listening和Reading上一堂 “聽力課加泛讀課”。

          1.6 口語和寫作 將Using Language的Speaking和Writing上一堂“寫作課”。


                 1st period      Warming up andReading

                 2nd period      Language points

                 3rd period      Using Language

                 4th period      Grammar

                 5th period      Listening & Reading

                 6th period      Speaking & Writing


          Ⅳ. 分課時(shí)教案

          Period 1 Warming up and Reading (2課時(shí))

          Teaching goals   教學(xué)目標(biāo)

          1 Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)

          Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises.

          2 Learning ability goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)

          Learn how to generalize and compare the similarities and differences.

          3Teaching important points  教學(xué)重點(diǎn)

          To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.

          4Teaching difficult points   教學(xué)難點(diǎn)

          How to give a general instruction/ description of a place.

          Teaching methods  教學(xué)方法




          Teaching aids  教具準(zhǔn)備

          A recorder and a computer.

          Teaching procedures & ways  教學(xué)過程與方式

          Step I Revision

          T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! First let’s have a dictation about the words and phrases in Unit 4. Take out a piece of paper, please.

          major, local, represent,Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, strange, express, be likely to, general, avoid spoken, misunderstand, punish, at ease

          T: Now, hand in your paper please; I’ll check your work after class.

          Step II Warming up

          T: Let’s look at the pictures on P33. Try to match the names of the parks with the pictures. Can you guess which are parks and which are theme parks?

          T: Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance?

          Sa: Of course I would go toDisneyland. I have watched so much about it on TV and I’ve been dreaming about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them.

          Sb: I would like to go to Waterpark, because I like swimming and I like to take part in the activities in water in this park.

          Step IIIReading


          T: It’s interesting to listen to your ideas. Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks. The title is THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I would like you to read the passage quickly for the first time to get a general idea of the passage. At the same time, please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.

          (3 minutes later)

          T: Have you got the main idea of the passage? Who can tell me the topic sentences of six paragraphs?

          Topic sentences

          Paragraph 1. Different kinds of theme parks.

          Paragraph 2.Disneyland.

          Paragraph 3. Dollywood

          Paragraph 4. England’sCamelotPark


          T: After the first reading, we have all got a general idea of the passage. So I would like you to read it carefully again and decide if the following statements are true or false

          Teacher shows the statements on the screen.

          1.Disneylandcan be found everywhere.

            Disneylandcan be found in several parts of the world.

          2. You can meet any cartoon character you like at Disney land.

             You can meet fairy tale or Disney cartoon characters atDisneyland.

          3. Tourism develops where aDisneylandis built.

          4. Dollywood is in the mountains in the southeasternUSA.

          5. Country music singers perform in Dollywood throughout the whole year.

          6. Dollywood has the only electric train still working in theUSA.

            Dolly wood has the only steam-engine train still working in the southeasternUSA.

          7. Visitors toCamelotParkcan taste candy like the candy made in ancientEngland. 

          Visitors to Dollywood can taste candy like the candy made in the American South 150 years ago.

          8.CamelotParkhas the oldest roller coaster in the world.

           CamelotParkdoes not have the oldest roller coaster in the world.

          9.CamelotParkhas an ancient English farm.

          10.CamelotParkhas places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting.

          Detailed reading

          T: Read the passage carefully again and fill in the blanks with the information from the passage.

          Name: __________Disneyland

          Location: In several parts of the world

          Theme: Fairy tale stories


          Travelling through space

          Visiting a pirate ship

          Meeting fairy tale or Disney cartoon _________ characters

          Riding in a swinging ship

          Going on a free-fall drop

          Name: Dollywood


          In theSmokyMountainsin ____________________ the southeasternUSA

          Theme: _______________________ _____________________America’s traditional southeastern culture


          Listening to country music

          Watching _________ making objects craftsmen

          Trying traditional candies

          Riding on the only ________________ steam-engine train

          Watching bald eagles

          Riding on Thunderhead


          Name:Camelot Park


          In ________ England


          Ancient English history and stories


          Watching magic shows

          Visiting the jousting area

          Visiting the _____ area and learning about farms in ancient England farm

          Step V Discussion

          T: If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go the theme parks to enjoy the exciting experiences? Give reasons for your choice.

          a) Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Each group tries to reach an agreement and to collect as many reasons as possible from the group members.

          b) After the discussion, the teacher asks a student from each of the groups to report the decision of their group and to give their reasons for the decision.

          Step VI Homework

          1. Read the passage carefully and underline some words, phrases or sentences which you don’t understand.

          2. Preview– learning about language.



          Theme parks

          Paragraph 1. Different kinds of theme parks.

          Paragraph 2. Disneyland.

          Paragraph 3. Dollywood

          Paragraph 4. England’s Camelot Park



          Period 2 Language points in reading (1課時(shí))

          Target language 目標(biāo)語言

          a. 重點(diǎn)詞匯和短語

          theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on, involve ... in, athletic, brand, equipment, sneakers, come to life, minority, fantasy, get close to, settlers, take an active part in, experiment, advanced, technique

          b. 重點(diǎn)句子

          As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.

          With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.

          Teaching content教學(xué)內(nèi)容

          1. Theme parks-Fun and more than fun

          more than 在本句意為“不僅僅是……;不只是……”

          e.g. This book is more than a grammar.  這不只是本語法書。

          另外, more than happy/glad/willing, etc (to do sth)表示“非常樂意(做某事)”。

          e.g. We are more than happy to show you around Beijing.  


          2. There are various kinds of theme parks, …

          various adj. 不同的,各種各樣的

          e.g. There are various ways of getting to the stations from here.


          variety  n.  變化,多樣性,種類

          e.g. At school we learn a variety of things. 在學(xué)校里我們學(xué)習(xí)各種東西。

             She made the children glad _________________ (用各種方法).

          in a variety of ways

          3. Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters…


          famous for的含義及用法。

          1) The woman was internationally famous for her novels and poetry.

          be famous for意為“以……而聞名”,主語是人時(shí),表某人以某種知識(shí)、技能、或特點(diǎn)等而聞名。


          be famous / known as意為“作為……而出名,被稱為,被叫作”,主語是人時(shí),表某人以某種身份出名;主語是地方時(shí),表某地作為什么的產(chǎn)地等而出名。如:

          Joan is well-known as a writer.

          Virginia (弗吉尼亞州) is famous as the birthplace of several US presidents.

          This phenomenon is known as surface tension.


          杭州因?yàn)槲骱?Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake.

          弟弟被稱作“小天才”。My little brother is known as “Little Genius”.

          4. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 


          1) wander v.漫步;徘徊

            e.g. We wandered around the shopping area for two hours.


                She doesn’t like wandering the streets aimlessly.


          2) amusement n. 消遣,娛樂(活動(dòng))

          e.g. China’s Cultural Theme Park offers its visitors all kinds of amusement.

             To her great amusement the actor’s wig (假發(fā)) fell off.

          amuse oneself   消遣,自我娛樂       

          e.g. The children amused themselves by playing hide-and-seek games (捉迷藏).


                She amused herself by reading detective stories.

          5. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.  


          attraction n. 有吸引力的事物,吸引;其動(dòng)詞為attract。

          Thousands of foreigners were _____ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.                     

          A. attended             B. attained   C. attracted                 D. attached  


          no wonder 難怪;不足為奇(特別用于口語中)這是一個(gè)省略句型,補(bǔ)充完整為:It is / was no wonder that ...。句型中的no也可換成little / small等。

          e.g. No wonder people say that computers are playing an important part in the world.

             You worked late into night. It is no wonder you look so tired.



          1. Is it any wonder (that)...? ……有什么奇怪的嗎?如:

            With such gifted players, is it any wonder that they won?

          2. It’s a wonder (that) ... ……真是個(gè)奇跡。如:

            You write so carelessly. It’s a wonder that your teacher can read it.


          1. There is no doubt that ... 毫無疑問……。如:

          Li Hua is the best student in our school. There is no doubt that he can win first prize.

          2. There is no need for sb. to do sth. 某人沒必要做某事。如:

          There is no need for us to worry about him.

          wherever conj. & adv. 無論哪里;無論什么情況下

          e.g. She is followed by that person wherever she goes.

             無論她去哪里, 那個(gè)人都跟著她。

             You can sit wherever you want. 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。

          類似用法的還有whichever, whatever, whenever, whomever等。

          e.g. It has the same result whichever way you do it.           

             不管你怎么做, 結(jié)果都一樣。

          Take whichever you want. 你想拿哪個(gè)就拿哪個(gè)。

          Whatever I have also belongs to you. 我所有的一切也屬于你的。

          Whatever happens, I’ll always be on your side.

          不管發(fā)生什么事, 我總會(huì)站在你一邊的。

          6. You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the world’s largest eagle preserve.


          1) We should preserve our eyesight.

          2) As a family, we want to preserve the traditions of our own culture and religion.

          3) Early settlers preserved meat by drying and salting it.

          4) No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

          [自我歸納] preserve作______詞,意為“______”(句1)、“___________”(句2)、“保藏、防止……腐敗、(用腌制等方法)加工”(句3);作______詞,意為“_______”(句4)。動(dòng)詞,保護(hù),保存、保留,名,保護(hù)區(qū)

           Practicing 翻譯下列句子。

          1. We should take steps to preserve the old temple.


          2. He canned the fruits to preserve them.


          3. We should try our best to preserve the peace of the world.


          辨析 preserve, protect, defend, guard






          1. We should try our best to __________ the temple, which dates back to more than 1,000 years ago. preserve

          2. We are always ready to ________ our country against invaders. defend

          3. You can __________ meat or fish in salt. preserve




          Language Points

          1. We should try our best to __________ the temple, which dates back to more than 1,000 years ago. preserve

          2. We are always ready to ________ our country against invaders. defend

          3. You can __________ meat or fish in salt. preserve



          Period 3 Using Language (習(xí)題課,1課時(shí))

          Teaching aims

          【Knowledge goal】

          ① Enable students to grasp the usage of important words and expressions

          ② Get students to master the sentence patterns:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

          Ability goal

          ① Enable students to make use of the sentence patterns to make sentences

          ② Enable Ss to revise the important words and phrases of reading part

          Emotional goal

            The students will be more active in the process of learning English and more confident of their learning ability through inductive teaching method

          Teaching difficulties and important points

          (1)Teaching important points

                   To master the meanings and usages of the key words, phrases and sentence patterns.

                   To use the sentence patterns to make sentences

          (2)Teaching difficulties

               How to arouse the students’ interest and learn to use them correctly

          Teaching method

              Self-study method, inductive method and practicing method

          Teaching procedures:

          Step1. Revision (課前檢測(cè))

          Doing dictation.

          Step2. Practice (課本P36)

          1. Let students discuss the exercises in groups

          2. Ask students show their answers in class one by one

          3. Help students correct the mistakes and make sure students can remember the meanings of the key words and  


          Step3. The study of the language points(練習(xí)冊(cè)P63-67)

          Step4. Practice(練習(xí)冊(cè)P101)

          Step5. Homework

          1.Sum up the language points

          2. Preview the Grammar



          Language Points

          1. representstand for                2. close/closely

          3. defend/guard/protect                 4. likely/possible/probable

          5. replace/take the place of /in place of/in place/instead of      6. at ease/with ease


          Period 4 Grammar (2課時(shí))

          Teaching goals 教學(xué)目標(biāo)

          1. Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)

          Ss can get to know more words after learning about “Word formation”.

          2. Learning ability goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)

          Enable Ss to use different kinds of “word formation” to make new words.

          Teaching important points教學(xué)重點(diǎn)


          3.Teaching difficult points教學(xué)難點(diǎn)


          Teaching step 教學(xué)步驟

          Step I Compound

          Compound words are made from two words: two separate words (roller coaster) one word (craftsmen) or words joined by a hyphen (old-fashioned). Find the compound nouns in the reading passage.

          roller coaster, whichever, whatever, free-fall, wherever, southeastern, indoor, outdoor, craftsmen, old-fashioned, steam-engine, world-famous, horseback


          1. 合成名詞

           (1) n.+ n.

               air conditioner   空調(diào)  

            blood pressure   血壓

               income tax     所得稅     

               credit card     信用卡

             (2) adj. + n.

                central bank  中央銀行  

                fast food         快餐

          solar system   太陽(yáng)系 

                remote control   遙控

             (3) v-ing +另一詞

                washing machine   洗衣機(jī)

                driving license    駕駛執(zhí)照

             (4) 其他方式

                 by-product    副產(chǎn)品

                 editor-in-chief   主編

          2. 合成形容詞

          (1) 過去分詞或帶ed詞尾的詞構(gòu)成。

                 absent-minded   心不在焉的

                 grey-haired   頭發(fā)灰白的

          (2) 動(dòng)詞的ing或另一詞構(gòu)成

                long-suffering   長(zhǎng)期受苦的

                far-reaching   深遠(yuǎn)的(影響)

          3. 合成動(dòng)詞及合成副詞

              water-ski  滑冰      

              overeat 吃得太多

              baby-sit 看孩子   

              empty-handed 一無所獲的

          Step II Derivation

          New words can also be formed by using prefixes and suffixes. Try to find and underline the prefixes or suffixes in the words below. Then write out the original words.

          unchangeable  adj. _______  change

          dislike  v. __________      like

          impossibility n. _________   possible

          unfriendly adj. __________  friend

          overwork v. ______________ work

          misunderstanding n. ____________ understand

          athletic adj. ______________   athlete

          misread v. ________          read

          translator n. _____________ translate

          Derivation: add letters to the beginning or the end of a word.


          1) 前綴 (prefix):

             (1) dis-: disagree, dislike, disappear

             (2) in- (il-, im-, ir-): incorrect, impossible, irregular,

             (3) un-: unhappy, unable, unfit, 

             (4) non-: nonstop, nonverbal (非語言的)

             (5) re-: rewrite, review

          2) 后綴(suffix):

             (1) 構(gòu)成名詞:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ment, -tion, -ness, -th.

                 buyer, Chinese, socialist, musician, agreement, collection, illness, truth

             (2) 構(gòu)成形容詞: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -y, -less

          national, American, careful, exciting, cloudy, useless

          (3) 構(gòu)成動(dòng)詞: -fy, -is (z)e:

                 beautify, realize

          (4) 構(gòu)成副詞: -ly:


          (5) 構(gòu)成數(shù)詞: -teen, -ty, -th

                thirteen, sixty, twelfth

          Step III Conversion

          Conversion: change the part of speech of a word.


          (1) v.—n.: charge (v.)—charge (n.)

             (2) n.—v.: hand (n.)—hand (v.)

             (3) adj.—v.: clean (adj.)—clean (v.)

             (4) adv.—v.: down (adv.)—down (v.)

          Step IV Practice

          I. 根據(jù)詞形和詞性,猜測(cè)下列合成詞的意思。

          1. crosswalk n. ________            人行橫道

          2. forget-me-not n. ________   勿忘我

          3. Y-shaped adj. ________           Y形的

          4. mother-to-be n. ________    準(zhǔn)媽媽

          II. 用劃線詞的名詞形式改寫句子。

          1. She microwaved her lunch.


          She heated her lunch in the microwave.

          2. My grandmother bottled the juice and

              canned the pickles (泡菜).


          My grandmother put the juice in a bottle and the pickles in a can.

          III. 用斜體部分的名詞形式填空。

          1. I decided this. It was my _______. decision

          2. We all want to be happy. We seek __________. happiness

          3. We all agree. We’re all in ____________. agreement

          4. Who discovered this? Who made this __________? discovery

          5. We’ll all arrive. We’ll be met on _______. arrival

          6. Can you explain it? Is there a(n) __________? explanation

          7. Don’t be so curious. Control your _______. curiosity

          8. I warned you. I gave you enough _______. warning

          IV. 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。

          1. Working with small children is a very _______ (stress) job. stressful

          2. It was very _______ (polite) of you to call him a liar. impolite

          3. I didn’t intend to hurt you. I did it ___________ (accident). accidentally

          4. My new shoes are very nice, but unfortunately they are extremely ____________ (comfortable). uncomfortable

          5. Be _______ (care). The weather is awful today. careful

          6. When the first _______ (settle) moved into the area, they faced great hardships. settlers

          7. The man was tall, with a(n) _______ (athlete) build. athletic

          8. Speaking through a(n) _________ (translate), she described her life in Guatemala. translator

          V. 給下列單詞加上前綴dis-, un-, in-或im-, 構(gòu)成意思相反的詞。

          1. agree _______       2. complete _________

          3. healthy ________ 4. important ________

          5. able _______ 6. cover _________   

          7. known _______      8. practical _________

          9. tidy _______   10. perfect _________

          11. visible _______    12. fit _________

          disagree, incomplete, unhealthy, unimportant, unable, discover, unknown, impractical,

          untidy, imperfect, invisible, unfit

          Step V. 高考鏈接

          1. Do you think shopping online will _____ take the place of shopping in stores?

              A. especially  B. frequently   C. merely     D. finally

          2. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _____.                                 

            A. expectation   B. reputation   C. contribution     D. civilization

          3. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was _____ journey.

           A. three hour    B. a three-hours  C. a three-hour   D. three hours

          Step VI. Homework

          Finish Exercises 1-3 on Page 71.




          The form of the v-ing form                    The function of the v-ing form

          doing    being done                         the subject; the object ; the predicative:

          Having done   having been done               the attribute; the adverbial



          Period 5 Reading (1課時(shí))

          Teaching goals 教學(xué)目標(biāo)

          1. Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)

          Practice Ss’s abilty of reading

          2. Learning ability goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)

          Get Ss to know two more theme parks

          Teaching aids教具準(zhǔn)備

           a computer and a projector.

          Teaching procedures & ways教學(xué)過程與方式

          Step I Lead in

          Ask Ss to look at the names of the minority groups below and ask them “What do you know about their cultures? What are they famous for? Let them discuss the two questions with their partner.

          Step II Reading

          1. Skimming

          Ask Ss to read the passage for the first time and finish the following tasks.

          Task 1: What are three times and three places you can visit at Futuroscope?







          Under sea


          Task 2: Main topic of each paragraph.

          Para 1. What I did at Futuroscope.

          Para 2. A general description of the park.

          Para 3. General information about how to visit the park.

          2. Careful reading

          Read the passage carefully again and finish the tasks.

          Task 1: Tick the writer’s experiences at Futuroscope (Para1).

          (    ) A. taking a journey deep into space, to the end of the solar system, and

                   being pulled into a Black Hole.

          (    ) B. taking a trip to Brazil and experiencing surviving an airplane crash in the jungle.

          (   ) C. going with divers to the bottom of the ocean and seeing mysterious, blind creatures that have never seen the sunlight.

          (   ) D. car racing and skiing down some of the most difficult mountains in the


          (   ) E. meeting face to face with a dinosaur.

          (   ) F. living on the other planets. 

          Keys: ABCDE

          Task 2: A general description of the park (Para2)

          Q1. What is Futuroscope?  

          a theme park in France.

          A. a theme park that uses the most advanced technology to take people out of the earth and the present time.

          B. a science and technology-based theme park that provides people with extraordinary experience without leaving the earth and the present time.

          C. a theme park that provides only fun and excitement.

          Key: B

          Q2: What is the major reason that has made Futuroscope such a success?

          1. admission free
          2. enough money
          3. beautiful sceneries
          4. advanced technology

          Key: D

          General information about how to visit the Futuroscope (Para 3).

          (    ) 1. People could also get tickets on line.

          (    ) 2. Futuroscope is a theme park that provides only fun and excitement for people.

          (    ) 4. Futurescope has a convenient location.

          (    ) 5. People could take a shuttle in the Futuroscope.

          (    ) 6. People could find very excellent hotels in the Furoscope.

          3. Post reading

          Fill in the blanks according to the text.

          Description of Futuroscope

          opened in France in 1987

          one of the largest _________ parks in the world

          a science and technology-based theme park

          equipped with the most advanced technology such as 3D cinemas and giant movie screens

          What I did at Futuroscope

          paid a visit to the end of the _____________

          took a trip to Brazil and experienced surviving a(n)  ______________ in the jungle

          went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that have never seen sunlight

          joined in some _________ and then skied down some of the most difficult mountains in the world

          met with a(n) ________, the terrible T-Rex, face to face

          What visitors can do there

          go to the bottom of the ocean

          fly through the ________

          visit the edges of the solar system

          do their own scientific experiments

          learn more about space travel and the undersea world and much more

          About tickets

          can be got at the entrance of the park or _____.

          group _________ rate can be got for classes or other ____________ if they book in advance

          How to get there

          through a(n) _______ service

          by driving

          Keys: space-age, solar system, airplane crash, car racing, dinosaur, jungle, online, admission, large groups, shuttle

          Step III Homework

          Go over the words and expressions in this unit.



          Para 1. What I did at Futuroscope.

          Para 2. A general description of the park.

          Para 3. General information about how to visit the park



          Period 6 Listening (1課時(shí) 可選)

          Teaching aims

          Knowledge goal

          1. Get the students to improve their skills to get the key information and key words.

          2. Help them to learn more about culture

          Ability goal

                How to use the new words and expressions

          Emotional goal

          After the study of this period the students are sure to understand the body language better and know how to use it in our daily life, thus avoiding some misunderstanding with others in communication.

          Teaching difficulties and important points

          (1)Teaching important points      

          Listen to the materials about a traffic accident and retell the story after finding the correct order of the six pictures

          (2)Teaching difficulties

             Work in groups of four and act out the actions

          Teaching method: Task-based method

          Teaching procedures

          Step 1 Revision 

          Check the students’ homework .

          Step 2 Pre-listening

          Ask the students to look through the blanks and ask them to guess what topic it is?

          Step 3 Listening 

          Ask Ss to listen to the conversation for the first time and fill in the table.











          Ask Ss to listen to the tape again and answer these questions.

          1. Why did Ricky and Lucy come to China?

            Ricky and Lucy came to China as tourists.

          2. What is the purpose of the Folk Culture Village?    

            The purpose of the Folk Culture Villages is to show the homes, temples and dress of China’s Minority groups.

          3. What two things is Ricky interested in doing?

            Ricky is interested in eating and in seeing the homes of the Bai people.

          4. What is Lucy most interested in doing?

            Lucy is most interested in shopping.

          5. What things does the guide think are the most important to see?

            The guide thinks it is most important to see the Uygur cultural dances and the Dai singing (and possibly the different style of houses).

          Step6 Homework 

          Finish news paper.


          Period 7 Writing 1課時(shí) 可選

          Teaching goals 教學(xué)目標(biāo)

          Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)

          Help Ss to write a short introduction for a brochure about Futuroscope


          Teaching ways教學(xué)方式

          Step 1. 寫作要求分析:



          1. 確定文體:屬于說明文。

          2. 主體時(shí)態(tài):此類文章以一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)為主。

          3. 內(nèi)容要點(diǎn):






          Step 2 【常用表達(dá)】

          Where is the…?

          How far is/ are …?

          How can we get to…?

          Can/ Could you show me where…?

          Over there is the…

          Down the path you can see…

          It is about 10 minutes’ walk.

          Go down this path and turn left/ right at the first crossing.

          It is about 200 meters away.

          You can reach…by…

          It is just behind the …


          Step3 Writing .

          1. Give the students 8 minutes to collect their ideas and begin to write their composition.

          2. Show their writing in class


          Step4 Homework 

          Finish the composition.







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