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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實驗學(xué)校!
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          人教版七年級英語上冊單元測試題 (全冊



          Test for Unit 1

          Class_____________          Name_________________    Mark______________

          一.單詞填空。1*10= 10

          1. Nice to _______________ (遇見) you.

          2. ---Whats this?    ---Its a ________________ (時鐘).

          3. ______________ (看) at the blackboard, please.

          4. My _____________ (第一) name is Tony.

          5. Is _____________ (零) a number?

          6. I have a sister. H_________ name is Jenny.

          7. ---Whats your f________  name?   ---Smith.

          8. ---How are you?  ---I am f______. Thanks.

          9. S_______ it, please.

          10. Look at the ID c___________ and answer the questions.

          二.  翻譯短語  1*5=5

          一個橙子____________  一把黃色的尺子_____________

          一個不明飛行物___________黑白相間______________   電話號碼_____________

          三. 單選 1*15=15

          (     )1. ---_____       ---His name is mike.

          A. How are you?  B. Whats his name ?  C. How old is he?  D. Where is he?

          (     )2.His name is Alan Smith .His family name is ______.

          A. Alan  B. Robert  C. Alan Robert  D. Smith

          (     )3. Thats a girl .Her name is ________.

          A. Wang Xiaohong  B. Wang Xiao Hong  C. Wang xiaohong  D.Wang xiao hong

          (     )4.--- _____your phone number?---Its 667-8954.

          A. Wheres  B. Whats  C. Hows  D. What

          (     )5.---Excuse me , are you Tina ?----_______

          A. No, I am  B. Im no   C. Yes , I am  D. Yes, Im not

          (     )6. This is a boy . _______ name is Jack . A. His   B. He   C. She  D. Her

          (     )7. _____is  a nice girl .A.  Tony   B. Mark  C.Jenny    D. Alan

          (     )8.I am David Green, My first name is _____.

          A. David   B. Green     C.  David Green   D. Green David

          (     )9. ---Whats _____phone number?---My phone number is 546-4673

          A. My   B. Your   C. her   D.your

          (     )10. --- Whats  this? --- Its _______“M. A. a      B.  an     C. the     D. this

          (     )11. The quilt is ________ white. A. a      B.  an     C. /     D. this

          (     )12. --- Good morning, Miss Gao.   --- ___________  Li Ming.

          A. Nice to meet you B. Hello   C. How do you do D. Good  morning


          (     )13. --- Sit down, please.    --- ________________.

          A. Thank you B. Yes, youre right.   C. OK D. All right

          (     )14. --- Excuse me. __________ you Mr. Zhang?  --- Yes, my name __________ Zhang Ming.

          A. Are, am B. Is, are C. Is, am D. Are, is

          (     )15.--- ___________, Gina.   --- Nice to meet you, too, Li Lei.

          A. Good morning    B. How are you C. Nice to meet you D. Thank you

          五.用am , is, are 填空(1*10=10):

          1. --Hi, I _______ Helen , what _______ your name?  

          --My name _______ Lisa.

          2. How ________ you? I ______  fine, thank you.

          3. --What ______ your telephone number?

           --It ___ 555-80.

          4. What color _______ your jacket?

          . This is my book. Is that _______ (you) pen?

          .______ (are)you Peter?

          六.句型轉(zhuǎn)換 (2*10=20)

          1. the, is, pen, green(連詞成句)  ______________________________?

          2. This is a book. It’s green.(并為一句)  This is a __________ ____________.

          3. last, is, name, her, Brown(連詞成句)  _______________________.

          4. Her phone number is 929-31. (劃線提問)  __________ ________ her phone number?

          5. I’m Jenny. (改為同義句)  ____________ ____________ is Jenny.

          6. His jacket is blue and white. (對劃線部分提問)  _________ _________ is _______ jacket?

          7. His name is Tom.(對劃線部分提問) _______ ________his name?

          8.My first name is Gina. My last name is Jones.(合成一句話) My name is ________ _______.

          9.This is a card in English.(劃線提問) ________ ________ this in English?

          10.Dale is fine.(劃線提問) _______ ________ Dale?





























          英語七上Unit 2

             Class           Name            Score     

          I. 選擇填空 (20)

          (  )1. This is ___ “h” and that’s ____ “q”.     

          A.  a; a      B.  a; an    C.  an; a

          (  )2. —Is this your ruler?  —No, ______.

            A. this isn’t        B. it isn’t         C. it’s not

          (  )3. —Hello! Are you Amy?  —    .

          A. Yes, I’m            B. No, I’m           C. No, I’m not

          (  )4. You can() call Gina _____ 234-5678.   

          A. in         B. at         C. for

          (  )5. —Your backpack is very nice.  —    .

               A. Thank you        B. Yes, it is          C. That’s right

          (  )6. You can look up(查詢)the word(單詞)in the ______.

            A. pencil case       B. dictionary          C. backpack 

          (  )7. —      you spell pen?  —P-E-N.  

          A. How are     B. What do    C. How do

          (  )8. —Is that     ruler?   —No, it’s not her ruler. It’s my ruler.

          A. her                B. my              C. your  

          (  )9. —What’s that?    —      English book.

          A. It’s a             B. It’s an           C. This’s an 

          (  )10. —Is that your computer game       the lost and found case?   —Yes, it is.

          A. at             B. in             C. on   

          (   )11.What’s this _____English ?     

          A. of             B. for            C. in

          (  )12.___ a ruler ?  Yes, ____ .  

          A. Is this , it is      B. Is that , it’s    C. this is , it’s      

          (  )13. —Is that _______pencil ?  —Yes, it’s my pencil.        

                 A. you           B. your         C. his     

          (  )14. — ____ your father a teacher ?  —Yes, he is .  

          A. Are   B. Is  C. Does      

          (  )15. ___color is your backpack ? It’s yellow.   

          A. What  B. What’s C. Where’s

          (  )16. ___Mary.  ___ name is Bob.   

          A.I’m,His   B.I’m,My   C.His,My      

          (  )17. How_____ your father  

          A. am     B. is   C. are     

          (  )18. This is______ ID card.      

          A.an      B.a    C.the

          (  )19. —How do you do ?   —___________ .

                A.Fine ,thank you     B. How are you ?      C. How do you do ?      

          (  )20.—Here is your ID card. — _____.   

          A.OK    B. Sorry   C. Thanks




          II. 完形填空(10分) 

              This boy is Peter Smith. His _1_ name is Peter. His _2_ name is Smith. This is  3  school. His school _4_ number is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White  5_ a good teacher. Li Min is a Chinese boy. Li Min is his good _6  at school. Look! _7_ a pencil sharpener. Is the pencil sharpener _8_. ? I _9_ know. Let’s _10_ Li Min at 495-6548.

          (   )1. A.first        B. family       C. last         D. one

          (   )2. A. first     B. good         C. last         D. this

          (   )3. A.you        B. that         C. his         D. it

          (   )4. A.computer   B. name       C. phone     D. ID card

          (   )5. A.no           B. not           C. is           D. am

          (   )6. A. father        B. friend        C. boy        D. class

          (   )7. A.What’s     B. This’s        C. That’s     D. The name’s

          (   )8. Li Min         B. Li Min’s     C. Li Min is     D. The Li Min

          (   )9. A. don’t       B. isn’t         C. am not         D. do

          (   )10. A. ask        B. call          C. write            D. look


          A                                     B

           (   ) 1. What’s his telephone number?    A. No, it isn’t.It’s her backpack.

           (   ) 2. Is that your backpack?                B. My name is Jim Green.

           (   ) 3. What’s this in English?               C. I am fine, thank you.

           (   ) 4. How do you spell watch?             D. I am nine.

           (   ) 5. What’s your name?                    E. It’s an eraser.

           (   ) 6. How do you do?                       F. How do you do?

           (   ) 7. Fine, thank you. And you?           G. Yes, it’s my dictionary.

           (   ) 8. Good morning, class.                 H. It is 5684878.

           (   ) 9. How old are you?                     I. Good morning, teacher.

           (   )10. Is this your dictionary?              J. W-A-T-C-H.


             1.一塊橡皮            2.請原諒               3.打棒球              

             4.失物招領(lǐng)             5.電子游戲               6.her ruler           

             7.his dictionary             8.my father’s car                 

             9.Tony’s last name                   10.in the pencil case             


          1. P              spell your name.

          2. This is my s             ID card.

          3. That’s a gold() w           .

          4. L______ ! That's an English book.

          5. —Is this your Chinese d             ?  —Yes , it is.

          6. Is that your pen in the l           and found case?

          7. How do you s________ “pencil”?

          8. What's this in E________?

          9. Call Mike a________ 365-4639.

          10. I have a set of k________.

          VI. 將下面的句子翻譯成英語,每空一詞(10分) 

          1. 打擾一下,簡。這是你的筆記本嗎? 

                     me, Jane. Is this your ______?

          2. 那個是瑪麗的學(xué)生證。 

          That is ___ ___ ___  ___ ID card.

          3. 請撥打453-8641給大衛(wèi)。 

          Please ____ __ David ______ 453-8641.

          4. 你手里的橡皮擦是什么顏色的? 

          ______ color is the ______ in your hand?

          5. 你的游戲機在失物招領(lǐng)櫥里。 

          Your computer game is in the ______ and ______ case.


          A: Hello!       

          B: Hello!

          A: I am Jim. What’s    1    name?

          B: My name is Gao Hui. You can call me Miss Gao.

          A:    2    to meet you, Miss Gao.

          B: OK. Please sit down, Jim.

          A:    3    you.    

          B:    4    me, Jim. Is this your English book?

          A: No. Look! That is Sonia. I think(想、認(rèn)為) it’s    5    English book.

          B: Please ask(要求) Sonia to come() here.    

          A: OK!

          1. what , name , is , family , your 

          __________________________                       ____  ?
          2. me, may(可以) , your, I,  telephone , excuse, know(知道), number

          _____________________                      ___________  ?
          3. has , books ,English, three , she

          ______________________________________________     ___  .


















          Class           Name           Score

          I. 選擇填空 (20)

          ( )1. My_______is a teacher.  A. parents B. grandparents  C. parent  D. father’s

          ( )2. This is my good ________.

          A. friends    B. friend C. sisters         D. brothers

          ( )3. My ______ are all teachers.

          A. friend   B. sister C. grandparents  D.  mother

          ( )4. Thanks ______your family photos, they are very nice. A. to B. in  C. for  D. at

          ( )5.______these her hats? No, they  ______.

           A. Is, isnt   B. Am, are   C.Are, isnt  D. Are, arent

          ( )6. Is this _____ car ?  Yes, Its_____ car.

                 A.your, you  B.your, my   C.his, he   D.her,she

          ( )7. She is a student and ______ name is Kate.   A.she    B.her   C.hers   D.his

          ( )8.Your mothers brother is your ______.

                 A.father  B.grandfather  C.cousin  D.uncle

          ( )9. Mum, ______ my friends, Dale and Helen.

          A. this is B. they are C. he and she D. these are

          ( )10. This ______ my sister and those ______ my parents.

          A.is, is  B.is, are   C.are, is    D.are, are

          ( )11.Here______ his family photo. A.are  B.am  C.be  D.is

          ( )12. --- ________?    --- No, it isn’t.

          A. Is this your aunt   B. What’s this C. Who’s this D.  Is he your son

          ( )13. This is Mr. Black and _______ my English teacher.

          A. this is B. she is C. he is D. it isn’t

          ( )14. _______ are in the same class.

          A. Helen and I B. I and Helen  C. I, you and she  D. These

          ( )15. Is ________ your aunt? What’s ________ name?

              Ahehis     Bshe,her      Cheher       Dshe,his

          (   )16.Is he your friend? Yes, ________.

                Ait is         Bit isn’t       Che is         Dhe isn’t

          (   )17Is that your ________ ? Aa picture     Bpicture      Cpictures    Dnice pictures

          (  )18Are ________ Kate’s ________?

             Athis, book    Bthat,book    Cthese,books  Dthose,book

          (   ) 19Is Guo Peng your brother? ________.

                AYesit is    BNo,it isn’t   CYes, she is     DNo,he isn’t

          (    )20.Anna is not my sister. ________ my cousin.

                AHe         BHe’s         CShe           DShe’s


          This is a  1  of my family. ___2  Frank, I am twelve. I study(學(xué)習(xí)) at No.11 Middle School. This is my father. ___3___name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. And this is my mother, she is a teacher, too. Whosthat woman near(在---附近) my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren’t in the photo, They are in the USA. I have a dog. ____4____ name is Dick. I love my____5___and I love my dog, too.

          ( )  21. A. backpack B. book C. photo D. map

          ( )  22 .A. This is     B. I’m C. It’s D. My name

          ( )  23. A. His B. He’s C. Her D. This

          (    )  24.A. Its     B. It’s C. He’s D. She’s

          ( )  25 A. friends B. mother C. father     D. family


          1My father’s mother is my g ________.

          2My father’s sisters are my a ________.

          3My father’s brothers are my u ________.

          4My uncle’s children are my c ________.

          5My parents’ d ________ is my sister.

          6I am a boy. I’m my parents’ ________.

          7This is my f ________ photo. These are my parents and this is me.

          8T ________ for your help(幫助)!

          9. My father and mother are my ______________ (父母).

          10. The __________(相片) are very nice.


          1 那些男孩                          2. 這些女孩               

          3. 家譜                              4.她的堂弟 _______________

          5.你的朋友 ______________            6. a photo of my family ____________

          7.your grandparents____________         8.his parents_____________

          9.those dictionaries___________           10.my two brothers_______



          1Excuse me! ________ this your eraser?

          2What ________ those? ________ they birds?

          3This ________ his ruler. Where ________ my ruler?

          4I ________ in Class Three. ________ you in Class Threetoo?

          5________ these her English books?

          6Those ________ their apples. Where ________ his apples?

          7She ________ eleven. How old ________ that boy?

          8He ________ my friend. ________ your friend a boy or a girl?

          9________ those maps? No,they ________ not. They ________ pictures.

          10These ________ your bananas. Here you ________.


          1. 謝謝你的家庭照片。________   ________ the photo of _________    _________.

          2. 那是你的父母嗎?________   those  ________  ________?

          3. 我的家庭照在這兒.   _______ is my_______  ________.

          4.她是你的姐姐嗎?  ________  ________ your sister?

          5.他是你的表兄弟嗎?  Is _______  your _______?

          6.那是你的叔叔嗎?不,它不是。 Is that your uncle? No,_______  ________.

          八.書面表達(dá) (15分)


          mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparents, sisters, brothers




















          七年級上Unit 4檢測題

                 Name  ________     Number________      Score_________

          I. 選擇填空(30分)

          (    )1. _________ your hat?

          A. Where       B. Where're         C. Where's      D. Where are

          (    ) 2. Is his pencil case ____________ the drawer?

          A. in           B. at                C. of         D. to

          (    ) 3. Hello, mum! I need my English book. Can you _________  it to school?

          A. need        B. take              C. bring        D. have

          (    ) 4. The CDs ____________ in the drawer.

          A. am          B. is                C. are         D. be

          (    ) 5. —Are the shoes under your bed?          —____________.

          A. Yes, it is       B. Yes, they are    C. No, it isn't       D. Yes, theyre

          (  )6.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t.

          A.Where are    B.What is      C.Are they      D.Is it

          (    ) 7.I need to take the video tape  _______ school.

           A. for            B. of            C. at          D. to

          (    ) 8. Please ________ this key to your sister. She is at school.

          A. bring     B. brings          C. take           D. to take

          (    ) 9. Look. This is ________ clock. It’s _______ alarm clock.

          A. a; an         B. an; an          C. an; a          D. a; a

          (    )10. __________ my toys. They are new.

          A. Here are    B. Here is          C. This is         D. That is

          (    )11. —________under the desk? -No, they aren’t.

          A. Where are  B. What’s     C. Are those rulers       D. Is that ruler

          (    )12. -Where is your father? -__________.

          A. They are in the bedroom  B. It is in the bedroom   C. I don’t know

          (    )13. — Are Jack and Mary your friends? —________.

          A. Yes, they are B. They are C. Yes, they’re

          (    )14. My computer game is ______ the drawer and my books are _______ the sofa.

          A. on; on       B. in; in           C. on; in          D. in; on

          (    )15. Look. This is a picture _____ my room. ________ bedroom is clean.

          A. of; A     B. of; The          C. for; A          D. for; The

          (    )16. Look at those ________. They are nice.

          A. photoes   B. photos    C. photo       D. a photo

          (    )17Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

          AYes, I am     BNo,it is     CYes,it is    DNo,Im not

          (   )18---________ my baseball?   ---Its under the chair.

          AWhere       BWheres      CWherere    DWhere are

          (   )19.---________ under the tree?    ---No,they arent.

          AWhere are    BWhat is      CAre they      DIs it

          (   )20.I need some things_________ class this afternoon.

                 A. in             B. at            C. of           D. for

          (   )21.There ________ a computer on the desk.

          Aare          Bhave        Chas          Dis

          (   )22.A notebook and an eraser _________ in the pencil case.

                 A. are            B. is            C. am           D. have

          (   )23.I need to take the video tape back _________ the store after school.

                 A. for            B. of            C. at          D. to

          (   )24. Look at those ________. They are _______.

                A. photoes; hers    B. photos; his     C. photo; her    D. photoes;  mine

          (   )25. --- ______ behind ______?     --- My alarm clock.

            A. What’s; the chair             B. Wheres; the chair   

          C. What are; the chair           D. Where are; a chair

          (   )26.He ________ a small room. ________ a nice desk in it.

              A.is, There is   B.has, Has    C.have, There is    D.has, There is

          (   )27.Lucy and Lily ________ a new bike.

              A.have      B.has     C.there is      D.there are

          (   ) 28. Sally. I need my dictionary. Can you ___________?

          A. bring me it    B. take me it     C. bring it to me  D. take it to me

          (   )29. Please _______ the eraser _______ here.  I need it.

                 A. bring, /   B. take,  /    c. bring, to    D. take, to

          (   )30. --Is my baseball _____ the chair? I cant see it.  Yes, its there.

                 A. under    B. for   C. of    D. on

          II. 選擇合適的答語(10分).

          (   ) 31. What’s in the room?                 A. Your baseball? I don’t know.

          (   ) 32. Is that Jeff?                        B. Yes, they are.

          (   ) 33. Are these your grandparents?          C. No, they are in the backpack.

          (   ) 34. How about my pencil case?           D. It’s on the desk.

          (   ) 35. Are the books on the sofa?            E. No, it’s Jack.

          (   ) 36. Is the computer on the desk?          F. Yes, it is.

          (   ) 37.Who is your friend?                 G. No, it’s my cousin.

          (   ) 38.What’s this in English?              H. There are some things in it.

          (   ) 39. Is that boy your brother?             I. Guo Peng.

          (   ) 40.Where’s my baseball?               J. It’s a clock.

          III. 閱讀理解: (10分)


          This is a room in Kate’s house. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. There’s a glass and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They work hard. 

             41.Is there only one room in Kate’s house?

          A.Yes, there is.  B.There is a bed. C.There is a computer.  D.I don’t know.

             42.What’s in the room?      A.Only a bed.  B.Only a table.  

          C.Only some chairs.     D.A bed, a table, a computer and some chairs.

             43.Is there anything on the table?

              A.Yes, there is.  B.No, there isn’t.  C.Some books.   D.A glass.

             44.Who is at home?

              A.Kate’s father.  B.Kate’s mother.  C.Kate s brother.  D.Kate.

             45.Kate’s father and mother are ________.

              A.teachers     B.students      C.friends        D.a(chǎn)t home


          My name is Jeff. I’m English. But now I live (住) in China. I am a student. This is my classroom. Fifteen small desks and thirty chairs are in the classroom. They are for (給) classmates (同班同學(xué)) and me. A big desk is in the classroom, too. It’s for my teacher. A clock is on the back (后面)wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. It’s a map of China.

          My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much.

          (    )46. Who is Jeff?

               A. A schoolboy.      B. A schoolgirl.     C. A Chinese student     D. American.

          (    )47. What is Jeff talking about?

          A. The family.       B. The school.      C. The classroom.       D. The park.

          (    )48. What’s on the back wall of the classroom?

          A. A clock.          B. A map.         C. A map and a clock.    D. A picture.

          (    )49. How many desks are there (有) in the classroom?

               A. Fifteen.         B. Sixteen.          C. Thirty.              D. Thirty-one.

          (    )50. What does the underlined (劃線) “it” mean (意思) in the passage (文章)?

               A. The classroom.   B. The map of China.   C. The big desk.      D. The school

          IV.英漢互譯 10分)

          1.在桌子下________________      2. 在抽屜里 ________________

          3.在沙發(fā)上面 ________________   4. 在圖片里 ________________          

          5.在書架上 ________________     6. 把 帶走到 ________________        

          7. 我不知道 ___________           8. 把 帶來到 ________________

          9.在地板上 ___________           10. 他的錄像帶______________

          V、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10分 )

          1. His baseball is under the table. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?/b>)


          2. His dresser is next to his bed. (變?yōu)榉穸ň洌?/b> 


          3. My keys are on the sofa. (對劃線部分提問) 


          4. They are on the sofa.(改為單數(shù)句子)

            ____  _  _____   on the sofa.

          5.Your baseball is under the chair.(對劃線部分提問)

             _______    ______ your baseball?

          VI、 根據(jù)所給漢語, 完成句子(20分)

          1、 請把這些東西帶去給你的哥哥。

          Please __________these_________ __________ your brother.

          2. 你能帶一些你家的照片來學(xué)校嗎?

          Can you __________some photos of your family __________ school?


          _________ is the photo_________ my _________.

          4. 他的書包在桌子下面。

          His ____________ is ____________ the table.

          5. 我的字典在沙發(fā)上。

          My ____________  is ____________ the sofa.

          6. 我的棒球在哪里?

          ____________ my baseball?

          7. 我的鑰匙在梳妝臺上嗎?沒有。

          ____________ my ____________ on the dresser? No,____________ ____________.

          8. 她的鬧鐘在我的桌子上面。

          Her                       is  on  my               .

          VII、 書面表達(dá)(10分)


          Dear Li Mei,




                                                                      Li Lei






























          七年級上冊 Test For Unit 5

          Name _________________ Class____________________Score________________



             1 ----Do you have a ball?    ----Yes, ____________

          A .I am   B. it is   C. you do    D. I do

             2 ----______ your son have a key?  ----No, he ________.

          A. Do  dont   B. Does  doesnt   C. Do  doesnt   D. Does  dont

             3 ----Let's play computer games.  ----__________

          A. That sounds good. B. No, I don't.

          C. Well, let's play soccer. D. No, I don't have a ball.

             4 I think the math class is_______, so I dont like it.

          A.interesting   B.boring      C.relaxing  D.fun

             5 I ________ TV at night.  

          Alook at   Bsee   Cwatch   Dlook

             6 I have _______ basketball. Lets play ________ basketball.

          Athe, the     Ban, ×       C×, the        Da, ×

             7 ----_______they have some sports things? ----Yes, they_______

          AAre, are     BDo, do       CCan, do       DDo, can

             8 I can ________ many things on the table.

          Alook at    Bsee     Cwatch     Dlook

             9 His brother ______ a tennis ball.

          A. have   B. is    C. has    D. there is

             10 _________ have many _________.

          A. We  CD    B. I  CD    C. They CDs   D. She CDs

             11 Sonia and Jeff ________ sports every morning.

          A. doesnt play   B. dont play   C. plays    D. not play

             12 That ________ fun.

          A. sound   B. is sound   C. sounds   D. does sound

             13 _______ your friend like English?

          A. Is   B. Does   C. Do   D. Has

             14 Ed often _______ sports games ________TV

          A. watch, on   B watch, in   C. watches, in   D. watches, on

             15. Peter gives(給) ______ some pencils and we like _______.

          A. we, it   B. us, them  C. us, they   D. me, they

             16 ----What a beautiful skirt!  ---- ______________

          A. All right   B. Youre right.  C. Dont say so.   D. Thank you

             17 She is a ______ singer. She sings ________.

          A. good, good   B. good, well  C. well, good   D. well, well

             18 He _______ a brother and a sister.

          A. doesnt have   B. doesnt has   C. dont has   D. dont have

             19 There _______ a soccer ball and eight __________.

          A. are, basketballs   B. are, basketball  C. is, basketballs   D. is, basketball

             20 We play sports __________.

          A. everyday   B. each day   C. the every day    D. every day

          閱讀理解(5 )

             I have a friend. His name is John. He likes sports very much. He loves soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He plays basketball very well. He likes watching games on TV. He plays sports every day. He often says(說), Lets play …”. He joins(加入) two clubs: a basketball club and a baseball club. He has a sports collection. He has twelve tennis rackets, nine baseballs, three volleyballs, four basketballs and one soccer ball.

             21. My friend likes ________

          A soccer   B basketball    C baseball    D . A, B and C

             22. How does he play basketball?

          A Ok     B Very well     C Good     D Right

             23. Does he play sports every day?

          A Yes, he does    B No, he doesnt    C Yes, he doesnt     D No, he does.

             24. Is he a member(成員) of a baseball club?

          A Yes, he isnt    B No, he is       C Yes, he is        D No, he isnt

             25. How many sports tools(工具) does he have?

          A 10     B 18      C 23     D  29

          從下列方框中選出恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥樱瓿蓪υ?。答案填題后的橫線上。( 5 )

          A: Lets play tennis.

          B: ____26__. But I dont have a tennis racket. Do you have one?

          A: No, I dont. But I have a soccer ball.  ____27___

          B: No, ____28__. Lets play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat.

          A: ____29__

          B: Its in my backpack.. Do you have a bat? 

          A: No, I don’t. But my brother has a bat and a ball

          B: Good. Where is he ?

          A: ____30__

          Answer 26____  27________  28______  29_______  30_______



          31 _________ you __________( have ) a tennis ball ?

          32 _________ your cousin __________( play ) ping-pong?

          33 I have ten ping-pong __________( bat ) and seven __________( volleyball ) .

          34 Allan __________ ( not have ) a brother.

          35 His name __________( sound )  fun.

          36 Can you ___________( bring ) your picture here ?

          37 That sounds ___________( well )

          38 Sonia ___________( watch ) TV in the morning.

          39 I have many ___________( friend ) here.

          40 I have only one __________( watch )

          41Let _________( we ) have a look (看一看).

          42They ________( not play ) sports. They only watch them on TV

          根據(jù)句子意思和首字母完成單詞。( 10)

          43 Ed has a great sports c_______________.

          44 Mr and Mrs Green h_____________ two children. One is a daughter, the other is a son.

          45 The boys have five b_________, nine tennis r___________, one ping-pong b________ and many baseballs.

          46 My brother and I p____________ sports every morning.

          47 The math question is very d_____________. I dont like it.

          48 There are many s___________ clubs: baseball, ping-pong and more!

          49 Lets w__________ the game on TV

          50 ----- Lets play ping-pong. ----- Great. That sounds r_____________.

          完成句子。( 20 )

          51 我們玩電腦游戲吧。

          Lets ____________ _____________ __________________

          52 我哥哥有兩個足球。

          My brother has ______________ _________________ _______________.

          53 我爸爸收藏了許多書籍。

          My father ___________ a ____________ book _____________.

          54 她每天做運動。

          She ___________ _____________ every day.

          55 你經(jīng)常打網(wǎng)球嗎?

          Do you often ____________ _______________?

          56 你們學(xué)校有排球俱樂部?

          ___________ your school have a ______________ club?


          57 我們年級有十一個班

          There are ___________ ______________ in our grade.

          58 他僅僅在電視上看他們。

          He __________ ____________ _____________ on TV.


          Ⅰ              Ⅱ

          ( )1. Let's play soccer. A. Yes, they do.

          ( )2. Do you have 70 balls at school? B. No, he doesn't.

          ( )3. Do they like watching TV? C. No, we don't.

          ( )4. Does Eddy like sports? D. Great! That sounds fun.

          ( )5. Do you and your friend play soccer every day? E. No, I don't think so.

          be 或have 的適當(dāng)形式填空。(5)

          1 ___________ Lucy and Lily good friends?

          2 My father _________ a key.

          3 ________ she your English teacher?

          4 The boys _________ a tennis.

          5 ______ they ________ soccer balls?

          九作文 15 )

          提示:Peter 收藏了很多體育用品。有5個棒球球棒,8個足球, 3個網(wǎng)球球拍, 1個乒乓球拍,4個籃球, 7個排球。(數(shù)字用英語表示)。他熱愛運動,每天都參加運動。


          ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________          _






          Test for Unit 6



          (   )1.There are(有) two _______  on the table.

          A.tomatos       B.tomatoes    C.broccolis       D.salads

          (   )2.Jack _______ ice cream.A.like        B.is like     C.1ikes        D.a(chǎn)re like

          (   )3.---_________ like French fries? 一Yes,she does.

          A.Do you    B.Do they     C.Does he    D.Does she

          (   )4.---_____ you like salad,Amy?--- ___________.

          A.Does;Yes,I do      B.Do;No,I don’t

          C.Do;Yes,she does     D.Does;Yes,she does

          (   )5.Lucy ________ a sister and a brother.She likes ________ very much.

              A.Have:them     B.has;they   C.has:them      D.have;her and him

          (   )6.--- Let’s have some ice cream on the table.一Oh,no.I _______ like it.

          A.do B.don’t   C. doesn’t   D. does

          (   )7.Please give(給)me some _______.

          A.photos    B. banana     C. tomatos    D. watchs

          (   )8.--- _____ your sister and brother like bananas?---________.

          A.Do;Yes,she does   B.Do;No,they don’t

          C.Does;Yes she does   D.Do;Yes,they are

          (   ) 9. --- ______ your parents like ice cream?--- _____________.

          A.Are;Yes,they are   B.Does;No,he doesn't

          C.Do;Yes,they do    D.Do;No,they doesn’t

          (   )10.I like _______ lunch.  

          A.broccolis for      B.tomatos at   C.strawberries for    D.chickens at

          (   )11.Lucy _______ a book in her bag.A.have    B.has      C.is    D.a(chǎn)re

          (   )12.That ______ interesting.A.sound      B.a(chǎn)re   C.sounds    D.a(chǎn)m

          (   )13.My sister _______ baseball every day.A.is  B.plays    C.play     D.does

          (   )14.I have 50 ______ in my school A.books   B.pen   C.pencil   D.photoes

          (   )15. --- Do you have a great sports collection, Jane?  --- __________

          A.Yes,she does    B.No, she doesn’t   C.Yes,I does       D.No,I don’t

          (   )16.--- Are you a student(學(xué)生),too? ---- _________.

          A.Yes,I am    B.No,I’m not    C.Yes,I do    D.A and B

          (   )17.Tony’s brother _______ sports every day.

              A.watch   B.watchs  C.watches   D.have

          (   )18.Let’s _______ computer games.A.do       B.play    C.have   D.a(chǎn)re

          (   )19.My brother has __________.

          A.3 books, 2 soccer ball and 5 basketballs  B.3 baseballs,5 keys and 4 tennis racket

          C.5 watches, 6 clocks and 9 balls      D.8 baseballs,3 basketball,6 soccer balls

          (   )20.I only watch volleyballs games ______ TV. A.in    B.a(chǎn)bout   Con     D.

          (   )21..—Lets have oranges. — ________.

          A.Thats sound good  B.That sounds well   C.Thats sounds good  D.That sounds good

          (   )22. --Do you know the girl in the hat?  ---______.

              A. Yes, I am.  B. Yes , she is.  C. Yes, I know.  D. Yes , I do.

          (   )23.He ______ like baseball at all.    A. do   B. dont   C. does   D. doesnt

          (   )24. We have ______ lunch at school.   A. a   B. an   C. the   D. /

          (   ) 25.He has ________ egg and ________ hamburger.

          A.a(chǎn)n, an       B.a(chǎn), a         C.a(chǎn)n, a         D.a(chǎn), an

          (   )26.There is a ________ store. It has bananas, apples, pears and oranges.

          A.vegetable    B.food         C.fruit         D.drink

          (   )27.What ________ she have ________ dinner?

          A.do, in       B.does, for      C.is, at        D.can, to

          (   )28.There is some ________ on the table.

          A.tomato      B.egg          C.chickens      D.orange

          (   )29.— Do you like French fries? — ________.

          A.Yes, I do     B.Yes, I dont   C.I like them very much    D.I dont like them

          (   )30.________ your mother ________ carrots?

          A.Do; eat      B.Is; eat        C.Does; eat     D.Are; eat

          (   )31.I eat some salad, but I dont like_____.  A.them  B.it  C.a(chǎn)   D.a(chǎn)rent

          (   )32.— Do they like hamburgers?     — Yes, they like ________ very much.

           A.it    B.them C.their    D.its

          (   )33.Her parents ________ lunch at home.

          A.doesnt have  B.havent      C.hasnt     D.dont have

          (   )34.________ does Lucy like? Tomatoes. A.How  B.What   C.Where    D.Why

          (   )35.Aunt Li likes _____. A.run    B. runing    C.runs    D.running


          Jack likes eggs,bananas and apples.  So every day,he has two eggs,one apple,a cup(杯) of milk(牛奶) and some bread(面包) for breakfast.But for lunch,he has bananas,some chicken and vegetables.And for dinner,he has tomatoes,F(xiàn)rench fries and ice cream.

             His sister likes dessert,oranges and apples.She often(經(jīng)常) has some hamburgers,one apple and bread for her breakfast.She likes tomatoes,salad and some fish(魚) for lunch.For dinner,she likes strawberries and some chicken.

          (   )36. What does Jack have for his breakfast?

              A.Some hamburgers,one apple and bread. B.Bananas,one egg and a cup of milk.

          C.Two eggs,one apple and a cup of milk.

          D.One apple,two eggs,some bread and a cup of milk.

          (   )37_______ likes dessert,oranges and apples.

              A.Jack       B.Jack’s mother    C.Jack’s father    D.Jack’s sister

          (   )48Jack has ________ for his dinner.

              A.tomatoes  B.French fries and ice cream C.bananas and some chicken   D.A and B

          (   )39Jack has some chicken ______ ,but his sister has some chicken ________.

          A.for breakfast;for dinner   B. for lunch;for dinner

          C. for dinner;for lunch     D. for dinner;for dinner

          (   )40Which is right(正確的)?

              A.Jack likes dessert,but he doesn’t like apples.

              B.Jack likes vegetables, his sister likes them, too

              C.Jack has two eggs for breakfast,but his sister has one egg.

              D.Jack has bananas for lunch,and his sister has apples for lunch.


          1.I have hamburgers for b___________.

          2. Here are some tomatoes. Do you like t _________?

          3. I like French f _________.          

          4. I have an ice c_________.

          5. Children should (應(yīng)當(dāng)) eat lots of v___________.

          6. What do you have for d__________?

          7. Liu Xiang is a r________ star.          

          8. She eats h________ food every day.

          9. How m________ apples do you have?        

          10.The runner eats w_________.


          1. Lets _______(have) some bananas.   

          2. Eric _________(have) French fries for lunch.

          3. The boy is very ________(health).  

          4. She ___________(not like ) playing computer games.

          5. —What are these? —They are _________(orange).

          6. Sandra Clark         (eat) eggs and apples every day.

          7. Some         (strawberry) are on the table.

          8. My sister         (like) bread and milk for breakfast.

          9. There _______(be) a lot of broccoli on the table.

          10. Does _______(he) brother have lunch at school?


          1. Her brother likes meat.(就劃線部分提問)   ________ _________ her brother like?

          2. There are oranges on the table. (變?yōu)閱螖?shù)句)There  _____  ______  _______ on the table.

          3. He likes salad for supper. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?  ______ he ______ salad for supper?

          4. They like to eat ice-cream. (變?yōu)榉穸ň?   They _______  _______ to eat ice-cream.

          I like fruit, but I dont like vegetables.(用Jane作主語改寫句子)




          He _________ ice cream  _________  ____________.   


          They like __________ __________ ___________.  _______  ________ you?


          ___________  ___________ salad.


          My father ___________ hamburgers _______ _________. My mother likes ___________ ___________ ___________. My sister likes _______ ________.

          5.運動員吃得好。 ____________ eat _____________.


          請以My Three Meals(餐)為題寫一篇短文。


          My Three Meals


          Unit 7 Test

          Class____________  Name_____________


          ( )1. Please have a        Huaxing Clothing Store!

          A. see           B. watch      C. look        D. look at

          ( )2. She        a big blue backpack.  A. want    B. wants      C. take     D. helps

          ( )3. Do you need bags       sports?  A. at   B. for     C. in      D. on

          ( )4. The shop       sweaters, pants, shoes, socks and things like that.

          A. buy            B. sell         C. buys         D. sells

          ( )5. It’ s only 5 yuan! You can buy it         a good price.

          A. at             B. with         C. in           D. on

          ( )6. —What’s the       of the shorts? —30.

          A. number       B. price           C. color              D. year

          ( ) 7. We have sweaters ______ all colors _____ $ 5 each.

          A. at; in     B. in; at         C. in; for     D. at; for

          ( )8. The blue hat is 10 yuan, and the black hat is ______ 10 yuan.

          A. also       B. too           C. very D. more

          ( )9. Come to the bookstore and see for ______.

          A. you B. your          C. yours     D. yourself

          ( ) 10. — Can I ______ you?   — I want to buy a pencil case.

          A. buy B. sell           C. help   D. like

          ( )11. Do you like these blue shoes?  Yes, ____________.

             A. I’ll take it      B. I’ll take them     C. I don’t like them     D. it’s 5 dollars

          ( )12. He is a collector. He has ______ basketballs.

          A. twenty three    B. twenty-three      C. two ten three      D. twenty-first

          ( ) 13.Tom is a running star. He likes __________________ for breakfast.

              A. eggs, banana and broccolis       B. eggs, bananas and broccoli

              C. egg, banana and broccoli         D. egg, bananas and broccoli

          ( )14. This is a _______ hat.  A. small yellow  B. yellow small  C. blue big D. yellow big

          ( )15. ______ shorts 20 dollars?    A. Are the  B. Are they  C. Is the D. Is that

          ( )16.--- _______ is that case ?     --- Its white.

             A.What      B. How much      C. Where      D. What color

          ( ) 17.--- What do you want?  --- I want a _______.

              A.socks           B. pants          C. apple          D. hat

          ( ) 18. These socks are only 3 dollars.Do you want ________?

              A. it             B.them          C. that       D. those

          ( )19. --- _________ is the chicken , please ?      --- Five yuan a kilo .

             A. How many     B. How much     C. How          D. How long

          ( )20. Are these your shoes?    Yes, ___________.

          A. theyre        B. they are        C. these are      D. therere

          ( )21. ----What color is that pen?   ---Its ________ green. Its ________ green pen.

             A. a; a        B. the; a       C. /; /      D. /; a

          ( )22. ---Your coat is very beautiful.   ---_________.

          A. Thanks    B. All right     C. OK        D. Youre welcome.

          ( )23. ----_______ is your eraser? ----The red one.  

             A. What   B. Which   C. Who   D. Where

          ( )24. _____she_______clothes at the Huaxing Clothes Store?

             A. Is; buy   B. Does;buys   C. Do; buys  D. Does; buy

          ( )25. The yellow shorts ________________ 20 yuan.

          A. are on sale for     B. are on sales for.    C. are on sale      D. is on sale

          ( )26. ___________milk do you want?

             A. How    B. How many    C. How much   D. How

          ( )27. We have blue bags __________ 5 dollars.   A. for     B. at    C. in      D. with

          ( )28. The price of the socks ______ 8 yuan.    A. does     B. do    C. is       D. are

          ( )29. This pair of socks ___________5 yuan.   A. is      B. are      C. do     D. have

          ( )30. -----I want some apples.       -----OK.________.

          A. Here it is    B. Here you are    C. Give you     D. Youre welcome


          It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.

          What does your shop sell? Mary asks, “A lot of things. The girl in the shop says. You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.

          Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt. How much is the skirt? Mary asks the girl in the shop.

          Its eighty yuan.

          Thats too dear(貴). Can I find a cheap(便宜) one?

          What about the green one? It looks nice. And its only thirty yuan.

          Ok, thanks a lot.

          You are welcome.

          After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.

          (  ) 1. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _________.

          A. some food B. some drinks C. come clothes D. some school things

          (  )2. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on ________.

          A. Saturday afternoon  B. Saturday morning  C. Sunday morning  D. Sunday afternoon

          (  ) 3. Mary buys a _________ skirt.   A. white    B. green     C. red     D. dear

          (  ) 4. The white skirt is __________.  A. ¥30     B. ¥110 C. ¥80 D. ¥100

          (  ) 5. The green skirt is ___________.

          A. nice but dear   B. nice and cheap  C. not nice but cheap   D. not nice or cheap

          III. 根據(jù)首字母寫出空缺處各單詞的正確形式(共10分)

          1. There are t               months(月) in a year.

          2. The yellow s_________  are $30.

          3. My sister likes to go to that c__________ store to buy clothes.

          4. Nobody (沒有人) can  a____________  the price.

          5. Tom is a r__________  star.

          6. The red sweaters are on s_________ for 35 yuan.

          7. They s______  the soccer balls for only ¥40.

          8. You can buy socks for $ 3 e______  .

          9. Come and see for y_______ at Xingfu Clothes Store.

          10.For b__________ , we have shirts in all colors .

          I. 用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空10分)

          1. How much ___________(be) the socks?

          2. Peter ________________ (not like ) that green coat.

          3. The skirt _________(be) 80 yuan.

          4. She ______________ (watch) TV in the evening.

          5. Let’s ___________  (look) at that skirt.

          6. Do you __________(need ) bags for sports ?

          7. You can __________( buy) socks for only $ 5 each!

          8. Come and __________ ( see) for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!

          9. I want ___________( buy) a T-shirt. He ____________ ( want ) that shirt.

          10.The store ______________ (sell) children’s clothes.


          1.  He likes blue. (對劃線部分提問)_________  __________ does he like?

          2. I want a green bag . (對劃線部分提問)__________  _________ you want ?

          3. The pants are only 6 dollars .(對線部分提問)___________ ___________ are the pants ?

          4 . My black pen is in my pencil case .(同上)__________ ___________ your black pen ?

          5 . These are tomatoes and oranges .(同上)__________ ___________ these?

          6.  These shoes are 20 yuan . (變一般疑問句)__________  __________ are these shoes ?

          7. How much is this sweater ? (同義句)__________ the __________ of this sweater?

          8. 藍(lán)襪子多少錢?How _________  __________ the blue socks ?

          9. 任何人都能負(fù)擔(dān)得起我們的價格。_______ can ________ _______ _______.








          Unit 8 Test

          Name:________  Class: _________    


            1. When _______your mother's birthday?    A. am   B. is   C. are

            2. My date of birth is _______.

          A.February twelveth    B. February twelfth  C.February twelve

            3. Our school trip is _______May.      A. in   B. on   C. at

            4. _______is your Art Festival?   Its______ May 16th.

              A. What ,on  B. When,on  C. When,in

            5. This is _____football. Please give it to them.  

          A. Tom and Tim  B. Tom and Tims   C. Toms and Tims

            6.Our school has ______art festival every year.    A.a   B. /   C.an

            7. How much _______the black pants?    A. am    B. is   C. are

            8. When is Mothers Day? Its in ______ .   A. May    B. June   C. July   

            9.May is the _____ month of the year.    A. fiveth   B. fifth    C. five   

            10._______ is Childrens Day.    A.July 1st B.August 1st   C.June 1st

            11. I know all my ________birthdays.   

          A.teachers   B.teachers  C.teachers

            12. How old ________ your sister?    A.have   B.is     C.a(chǎn)re

            13. —How old are you?   —Im _______ years old.  

           A.forteen B.fourteen C.fourteenth

            14. Edison was born _______ Feb. 11th,1879.    A.a(chǎn)t B.in C.on

            15. --_________?   Its September 10th.  

          A. What day is it?  B. Whats the date?  C. Whats it?

           (    ) 16.---Is Julias birthday on May 1st?  ---Yes,________.   A. he is  B.she is  C. it is

           (    ) 17.The boy is only ______. Today is his _______birthday.  

          A.five,five  B.fifth,five   C.five,fifth

           (    ) 18.Sunday is the _______ of a week. A.first  B.second  C.last

           (    ) 19.---Happy birthday to you,Gina! ---________.  

          A. Thank you   B.All right   C.You are welcome

           (    ) 20.Guo Mingming and Li Tao are _______.   A.a Chinese  B.Chinese  C.Chineses

           (    ) 21.We have sweaters _______ all colors _______5dollars each. .

          A. at,in  B.in, for  C.at, for

           (    ) 22.Do you like these blue shoes? Yes, ______.

          A.Ill take it.  B.I don’t like them  C.Ill take them.

           (    ) 23.Are these your shoes? Yes ______.

           A. theyre   B. they are  C. these are

           (    ) 24.What color is that pen? Its______ green. Its _______ green pencil.

           A.a,a  B.the,a  C./,a

           (    ) 25.--_______ is your sweater? -- The red one.    A.Which  B.What   C.Where

           (    ) 26._______ milk do you want?  A.How  B.How much  C.How many

           (    ) 27.This pair of socks ______ 8 yuan.  A. is  B. are  C. has

           (    ) 28.The price of the socks_______ 5 yuan.   A.does   B. do  C.is

           (    ) 29.Students dont go to school _______ Sundays.  A.in  B.on  C.at

           (    ) 30.Whats your age please? ________.

           A.Sorry, I dont know.  B.Yes, Im 12.  C. Twelve

          二、閱讀理解 (10)

          Today is November 8th .It’s Mary’s birthday. She is twelve. Jim, Kate and Bill are her friends. They want to buy some presents(禮物) for Mary. They go to the shop near the school. There are a lot of things in the shop. They buy a big cake,two boxes of color pencils, a pencil case and some nice exercise books. They want to buy two dolls for Mary, but all the dolls are too dear(貴).

          (   )1.What’s the date today?   

           A. Nov. 9th.  B. Dec.10th.  C.  Nov. 8th.   D. November 9th.

          (   )2.How old is Mary today? ______.   

           A. 12     B. 13    C. 14    D. 15

          (   )3.Mary has _______ friends.  A. three    B. four    C. two    D. only one

          (   )4._______ is near the school.   

           A. Their home  B. A factory  C. The shop  D. The farm

          (   )5.They buy ______ for Mary.   

           A. a big cake   B. two boxes of color pencils

          C. a pencil case and some nice exercise books     D. A, B and C


          1.December is the t__________ month of the year.

          2.They have two art f_________.

          3.These boys all like the school t_________.

          4.My uncle is thirty-one. Today is his t___________ birthday.

          5.We have an English evening p________ on may 5th.

          6.She is our m_________ teacher. She sings very well.

          7.Do you know the boys a_________? Yes, he is five years old.

          8.Do you know their b__________? Yes, they are July 12th and August 31st.

          9.How many m_________ are there in a year? Twelve.

          10.When is the English s_________ contest? Its on December 8th.



          1. There are twelve _______(month) in a year.

          2. The Art Festival is on September _______ ( nine)

          3. Let’s ______ ( play ) basketball.

          4. January is the________(one) month of the year.

          5. I am thirteen _______ (year) old.

          6. When _______(be) your parents birthdays?

          7. Do you know _________(Joe) birthday?

          8.______ your school________(have ) a Chinese contest?

          9.I have a sister. _________(she) name is Susan.

          10. Do you like to w________ the football game?


          1.Mike’s birthday is February 19th. (對劃線部分提問) 

           _______  ______ Mike’s birthday?

          2.How old are you?(改為同義句)  ________  your _______?

          3. Lily and Lucy are fifteen years now. (對劃線部分提問)

           _______  _______ are Lucy and Lily now?

          4. He has a Chinese contest in November. (改為否定句)

          He ______ _______ a Chinese contest in November.

          5. We have an Art Festival every year. (改為一般疑問句) 

            ______ you ______ an Art Festival every year?



          _________ 31st is Toms ________  ___________.


          _________ ______ your __________ birthday?


          They have a ________  ________ in the USA________ year.


          Johns birthday party is _________   _________  3rd.

          5.籃球比賽是什么時候?   When is the ________   ________?

          6我不知道他的出生日期。I dont know his ________   ________  ________.

          7五月有31天。There are ________  days  _______ May.

          8. 讓我們填寫班級的生日日歷。 Lets ______ ____ the class birthday calendar.




































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