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          Unit1 Festivals around the world
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-27       發(fā)布人:王丹丹

          Unit1 Festivals around the world

          Fast reading


          Task 1 Divide the text into 3 parts and find the main idea of each part.

          Part 1.(Para.1)    

          Part 2.(Para.2-5)    

          Part 3.(Para.6)    

          A.Different kinds of festivals around the world.

          B.The reason why people celebrate the festivals.

          C.The origins of the festivals.

          Task2 Find the main idea of the text.

          A.The text mainly tells us the origins of festivals.

          B.The text mainly tells us the development of festivals.

          C.The text is about different kinds of festivals around the world,and the ways people celebrate them.

          D.The text is about the differences of festivals between the east and the west.


          Scan the text quickly and then fill in the following chart.

          Kinds of Festivals

          Names of Festivals


          Festivals of the Dead


          2.Day of the Dead




          Some Western countries

          Festivals to Honour People



          6.Festival to Honour Gandhi








          Some European countries


          Spring Festivals





          Some Western countries



          Intensive Reading: answer the questions

          1.Which three times of the year did people celebrate in ancient times?


          2.What kind of things should be done to celebrate the Obon Festival?


          3. Why does India have a national festival on October 2?


          4. How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?


          5. Name three things people do at the Spring Festival in China.

          Comprehending question

          1. What are festivals of the dead usually for?


          2. What makes autumn festivals happy events?


          3. What do people usually do at spring festivals?


          4.  What is one important reason to have festivals and celebrations?


          Compare the festivals of the dead in Mexico, Japan and China. What things are similar? What things are different?


          Post reading Fill in the blanks

          Most ancient festivals would      the end of winter,planting in spring and      in autumn.Todays festivals have many origins.Some festivals are held to     the dead or the ancestors.In Japan,     is celebrated,when people go to clean graves and light incense      their ancestors.Besides,some festivals are held to honour people.For example,the Dragon Boat Festival honours the famous     ,Qu Yuan.There are also harvest festivals.China and Japan have     festivals,when people      the moon and enjoy mooncakes.And Spring Festivals are the most      and important festivals,which      the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 

          Discussion My favourite festival


          ?               What is your favourite festival? Why?

          ?               When is it?

          ?               What is the festival about?

          ?               How long can we have it for holiday?

          ?               What do we usually do in the festival?


          ?               I like festival best.

          ?               It is celebrated on . to remember/ in memory of .

          ?               It usually lasts days.

          ?               People usually do .





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