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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)校!
          設(shè)為首頁 | 加入收藏
          教師空間當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 教師空間
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-25       發(fā)布人:范晶晶

          Exercise (比較級(jí)和副詞)

          一. A. 寫出下列形容詞或副詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)

          1. near ____________ ____________ high___________ ___________

          2. warm ___________ ____________ clever__________ ___________

          3. white ___________ ____________ blue __________ __________

          4. nice ____________ ____________ g entle___________ ___________

          5. safe ____________ _____________ wide____________ ___________

          6. close ___________ _____________ long____________ ___________

          7. heavy __________ _____________ sunny___________ ____________

          8. early ___________ ______________ dry ____________ ___________

          9. busy ___________ _____________ happy ___________ ___________

          10. easy ___________ _____________ angry ___________ ____________

          11. windy _________ ______________ little __________ ____________

          12. thin ___________ ______________ ` fat ______________ ___________

          13. hot ___________ _______________ big ______________ ___________

          14. wet ___________ ______________ ` good____________ ___________

          15. bad ___________ ______________ well __________ _____________

          16. badly _________ ______________ m any____________ ___________

          17. much _________ ______________ f ar ______________ ___________

          18. important ___________________ _______________________

          19. dangerous ___________________ _______________________

          20 beautiful ____________________ _______________________

          21. difficult _____________________ _______________________

          22. brightly _____________________ _______________________

          23. strongly _____________________ _______________________

          24. expensive ___________________ ________________________

          25. quietly _____________________ ________________________

          B. 寫出下列形容詞的副詞形式

          1. bad ___________ nice ___________ beautiful___________

          2. clever _________ easy ___________ busy _______________

          3. heavy _________ angry __________ happy ______________

          4. gentle _________ wide ___________ safe ________________

          5. close __________ late ____________ early________________

          6. deep ___________ high ___________ near ________________

          7. fast ___________ good ___________


          1、The flowers are very _____________________. (beautiful)

          2、The girls are sitting there ______________________ .(quiet)

          3、They’re talking very _________________ . (loud)

          4、We can get there _________________ . (easy)

          5、They’re getting ready for the sports meeting __________________ . (busy)

          6、They’re living a _________________ life. (happy)

          7、The wind is blowing __________________ . (strong)

          8、He plays the piano ______________ .(bad)

          9、The river runs _________________ down the hill. (gentle)

          10、The sun is shining _______________ . (bright)

          11、The man is riding his horse along the road __________________ . (slow)

          12、The girl sings ____________________________ than the boy. (beautiful)

          13、Jack plays football _________________ than Dick. (bad)

          14、He is speaking __________________ . (angry)

          15、The children are running __________________ along the road. (happy)

          16、She runs __________________ of all. (fast)

          17、The sun is shining _____________________this afternoon than this morning. (bright)

          18、Jim works ___________________ than Tom. (hard)

          19、He walks ___________________ of the three. (far)

          20、Little Tom is sitting there ___________________ of all. (quiet)


          1.The white shirt is as ________ as the yellow one.

          A. cheap

          B. cheaper

          C. cheapest

          D. the cheapest

          2、You know ________ about it than Tom does.

          A. even little

          B. even less

          C. more little

          D. more less

          3、This garden is ________ that one.

          A.ten times as long as

          B. ten times longer as

          C. ten times longer as

          D. as long as ten times

          4、The earth is getting ________ .

          A.warm and warmer

          B. warmer and warm

          C. warmer and warmer

          D. warm, and warm

          5、Which one is ________ , football or basketball?

          A. more popular

          B. popular

          C. popularer

          D. much popular

          6、The fifth orange is ________ of all . Give it to that small child.

          A. big

          B. bigger

          C. the bigger

          D. the biggest

          7、Allan is one of ________ popular teachers in the school.

          A. more

          B. the more

          C. most

          D. the most

          8、Which city is ________ , Beijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou?

          A .beautiful B. more beautiful C. much more beautiful D. the most beautiful

          9. He runs __________ of the four boys.

          A. fast

          B. faster

          C. the fastest

          D. fastest

          10、________ all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes ________.

          A. Of, most carefully

          B. In, the most careful

          C. Of, very carefully

          D. In, much more carefully

          11、I think P.E. is ________ any other subject.

          A. the more important

          B. the most important

          C. as important than

          D. as important as

          12、I don’t feel very ________ today.

          A. good

          B. better

          C. nice

          D. well

          13、The more you study during the term, ________you have to study the week before exams.

          A. the less

          B. the lesser

          C. less

          D. the little

          14、The old man was too tired to walk any __________.

          A. far

          B. farther

          C. the farthest

          D. farer

          15、The children are laughing ________. They look very ________.

          A. happy, happy

          B. happily, happily

          C. happily, happy

          D. happy, happily

          16. I think maths is _____ of all the subjects.

          A. the most interesting

          B. more interesting

          C. so interesting

          D. the best interesting

          17. The girl doesn’t run _____ the boy.

          A. much faster as

          B. as fastest as

          C. more careful than

          D. so fast as

          18. The young man drives _____ than he did three months ago.




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                2. 大同县| 永吉县| 勃利县| 盘锦市| 鹿泉市| 鹿邑县| 东安县| 兰溪市| 台湾省| 广昌县| 财经| 来宾市| 五莲县| 东辽县| 武功县| 从江县| 绍兴县| 景东| 武鸣县| 临安市| 攀枝花市| 南岸区| 电白县| 赤壁市| 晋中市| 灯塔市| 铅山县| 密云县| 麟游县| 铁力市| 宣威市| 连南| 蒙城县| 邹平县| 合川市| 嘉禾县| 滨州市| 中方县| 万安县| 左云县| 江安县| http://444 http://444 http://444