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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)校!
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          Unit 4 --Grammar (book 5)
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-12-31       發(fā)布人:何潔

          Learning Aims:

          1.To master the basic usage of inversion.

          2.To learn to use partial inversion in real situations through self-study and practice.


          Learning Procedures:

          Step1 Exploring and discovering.

          1. 含有否定意義的副詞連詞或介詞短語,如 never, hardly, seldom, little, no sooner...than..., not until, not only,no/not, rarely,in no time, by no means 等放在句首時(shí)。

          1). I did not make a single mistake.

                Not a single mistake did I make.

          2). He seldom goes to school late.

          Seldom does he go to school late.

          3).She would cancel the trip under no circumstance.

            Under no circumstance would she cancel the trip.

          注意:1. not only...but(also)...句型中,前一分句要部分倒裝,后一分句不用倒裝。

          :Not only did he come, but he saw her.

          2. not until 后跟狀語從句位于句首時(shí),從句不用倒裝,后面的主句要倒裝。

          如:Not until she spoke did I realize she wasn't English.


          2. Only + 狀語(副詞, 介詞短語或從句) 放在句首時(shí)。

          1). I realized the importance of English only then.

           Only then did I realize the importance of English.

          2). You can learn English well only in this way.

          Only in this way can you learn English well.

          3).We found out the truth only when he returned.

          Only when he returned did we find out the truth.


          如:Only he can answer the question.


          3. 用于 so, nor, neither 開頭的句子, 表示前一句的情況也適用于另一個(gè)人(或物)時(shí)。

              1). He has been to Beijing. So have I.

          2). Jack can not answer the question. Neither / Nor can I.


          John won the first prize in the contest.

          So he did.(的確如此)


          4. if 虛擬條件句的謂語動(dòng)詞中含有were, had, should時(shí), 省去if, were, had, should提到


             1).If Mark had invited me, I would have been glad to come.

               Had Mark invited me, I would have been glad to come.

             2).If I were you, I would try my best.

               Were I you, I would try my best.

          3).If you should change your mind, no one would blame you.

               Should you change you mind, no one would blame you.


          5. so/such … that結(jié)構(gòu)中, sosuch引導(dǎo)的部分放在句首時(shí),主句要倒裝,that引導(dǎo)的從句不用倒裝。

            1).He spoke so loudly that even people in the next room could hear him.

          So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.

          2) He is such a noble person that people all respect him

          Such a noble person is he that people all respect him.


          Step2 Practice

          Task1 將所給句子改為倒裝句

          1.You can pass the driving test only with more practice .

          2.She cares little what she looks like.

          3.Barking dogs seldom bite.

          4.I didnt finished my homework until ten oclock.

          5.The rain was so sudden that people in the street all rushed in all directions to find a shelter.
          6. If I were you, I wouldnt buy the house right now.


          Task2. 填空和改錯(cuò)

          1.Only when Lily walked into the office ______(do) she realize that she had the contract at home.

          2.At no time does they break the rules of the game.

          3.Not until then I know my high school life had really begun.


          Task3. Writing

          An athlete who competed in Beijing Olympics talked about his experience in Beijing:

          Before I went to China, 對北京我?guī)缀跻粺o所知. I felt nothing about it. After I arrived, most of my time was spent on training and competing.我從未學(xué)過中文. As a result,I did not go out. 我也不敢跟中國人說話. My roommate said Sanlitun was great so the day before leaving, I went there. What a shock! 我很少見到這么多的人.What was more shocking, the salesgirls could speak so good English and the goods were so cheap. 我決不會(huì)浪費(fèi)這次機(jī)會(huì). In a few minutes, my wallet was empty but my hands were full. 只有到那個(gè)時(shí)候我才喜歡上了北京.

          1. 對北京我?guī)缀跻粺o所知.(little)


          2. 我從未學(xué)過中文. (never)


          3. 我也不敢跟中國人說話.(neither)


          4. 我很少見到這么多的人.(seldom)


          5. 我決不會(huì)浪費(fèi)這次機(jī)會(huì). (by no means)


          6. 只有到那個(gè)時(shí)候我才喜歡上了北京.(not until)




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