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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實驗學校!
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          瀏覽次數:次      發布時間:2019-12-11       發布人:楊芳






          一、Teaching aims:

          1. 較快提升學生的英語表達能力。

          2. 通過影片的配音實踐,激發學生的表演才能,提高學生的藝術素養。

          3. 利用影片強烈的教育功能和強大的教育征服力,培養學生真善美的情感。


          二、Teaching importances:

          1. 欣賞及配音表演電影《瘋狂動物城》 ,提升學生的單詞量和英語表達能力。

          2. 激發學生的表演才能,提高學生的藝術素養。


          三、Teaching difficulties:

          如何讓學生在課堂上大膽的模仿電影人物的聲音及神態,把配音效果發揮到最好的水平。四、Teaching steps:

          Step 1. Warming up

          Greet the students as usual.

          Step 2. introduce the main character of this this movie.

          Play a piece of video.

          Step 3. Make a self Brief introduction of the movie.

          Teacher introduce the introduction of this movie and show it on the screen.

          Step 4. Students enjoy some wonderful parts of the movie.

          Step 5. Teacher introduce some useful words and sentences to the students.

          And students practice the sentences together.

          Step 6. The teacher chooses a wonderful part of this movie for the students to enjoy and then students imitate the voice of the character of this movie to practice the conversation in it.

          Step 7. Students practice the part they want to act in group.

          Students practice the conversations in the movie. Teacher walk around the classroom and give them some commons if necessary.

          Step 8. Students come to the front and have a performance.

          Students come to the front and act out their work group by group.

          Step 9 Homework

          Students practice the important sentences they have learned this period.




          (On the street)

          Chapter One

          Dad: Or, heck, you know. You wanna talk about making the world a better place, no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer.

          Mom:Yes! Your dad, me, your 275 brothers and sisters.

          We're changing the world. - Yeah. Carrot farming is a noble profession.

          You get it, honey? I mean, it's great to have dreams.

          Dad :

          Mom:Yeah, just as long as you don't believe in them too much.

          Where the heck'd she go?




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