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          英語美文欣賞What Is Love?
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2019-06-13       發(fā)布人:楊麗娟

          What is love? Love is a very special and meaningful word to each human being. Each human being has his/her own thoughts about love to guide himself/herself to land safely and smoothly into the kingdom of Love. Without this preconceived idea of love, people would be acting like a blind person searching for the light with thousands of obstacles in front of him.


          What is Love? I know this question exists in each human being's mind including myself. If not it is still waiting to be discovered deeply in your heart. What do I think of love? For me, I believe love is a priceless diamond, because a diamond has thousands of reflections, and each reflection represents a meaning of love.


          With love I can accept a person's imperfections without any condition, and able to transfer the way I love myself to another person who I am fancy at. With love I can have the power against loneliness, sadness, and illness, and to be able to change them into my happiness.


          As well as, having a key to open my heart to look at this world without a mask, to show people who I really am. But on the other hand, my love cannot be a substitute for anything, which means nothing can be substituted for my love.


          It also means those reflections of the diamond cannot be replaced by any kind of light or reflection, because the untrue reflection will not be a real diamond, and will not be able to spread out its resplendent and meaningful reflection of love to people about whom I care.


          What will happen if people live without love? In my point of view, without love I may lose my ability to survive in this world with no hope. Without love I can be defined as a rat living in the sewer, with no chance to see our beautiful land and with no chance to lighten up myself against the darkness.


          As well as, I may lose many opportunities of enjoyment both mentally and physically, when I do not know what love is.





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