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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實驗學(xué)校!
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          教師園地當(dāng)前位置:首頁 > 教師園地
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2018-12-11       發(fā)布人:王麗娟


          1. 詞類:1)名詞 2)形容詞 3)副詞 4)動詞 5)代詞 6)冠詞 7)數(shù)詞 8)介詞 9)連詞 10)感嘆詞

          *2. 構(gòu)詞法:

          1)合成法 classroom, something, reading-room

          2)派生法 worker, drawing, quickly, careful, kindness,

          cloudy, unhappy

          3)轉(zhuǎn)化法 hand (n. )—hand (v. )

          dry ( adj. )—dry ( v. )

          3. 名詞





          4. 代詞



          3)反身代詞 myself, himself, ourselves, etc.

          4)指示代詞 this, that, these, those

          5)不定代詞 some, any, no, etc.

          6)疑問代詞 what, who, whose, which, etc.

          5. 數(shù)詞 基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞

          6. 介詞 詞匯表中所列介詞的基本用法

          7. 連詞 詞匯表中所列連詞的基本用法

          8. 形容詞


          2)比較等級 ( 原級、比較級、最高級)的基本用法

          ( 1)構(gòu)成 -er, -est; more, the most

          ( 2)基本句型

          as+原級形式+as. . .

          not as ( so)+原級形式+as. . .

          比較級形式+than. . .

          the+最高級形式+. . . in ( of). . .

          9. 副詞


          2)疑問副詞when, where, how

          3)比較等級 ( 原級、比較級、最高級)

          ( 1)構(gòu)成 -er, -est; more, the most

          ( 2)基本句型

          as+原級形式+as. . .

          not as ( so)+原級形式+as. . .

          比較級形式+than. . .

          the+最高級形式+. . . in ( of). . .

          *10. 冠詞 一般用法

          11. 動詞


          ( 1)行為動詞或?qū)嵙x動詞



          ( 2)連系動詞 be, look, turn, get, become, etc.

          ( 3)助動詞 be, do, have, shall, will, etc.

          ( 4)情態(tài)動詞 can, may, must, need, etc.


          ( 1)一般現(xiàn)在時

          I get up at six o'clock every morning.

          He doesn't speak Russian.

          They are very busy.

          The moon moves round the earth.

          When you see him, tell him to come to my place.

          I'll go to see you tonight if I'm free.

          ( 2)一般過去時

          I was in Grade One last year.

          I got up at five yesterday.

          ( 3)一般將來時

          1. shall ( will)+動詞原形

          I shall ( will) go to your school tomorrow afternoon.

          She will be here tomorrow.

          2. be going to+動詞原形

          I'm going to help him.

          ( 4)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時

          We're reading the text now.

          They're waiting for a bus.

          ( 5)現(xiàn)在完成時

          I have already posted the letter.

          They have lived here for ten years.

          * ( 6)過去進(jìn)行時

          We were having a meeting this time yesterday.

          The teacher was talking to some parents when I saw her.

          * ( 7)過去完成時

          We had learned four English songs by the end of last year.

          The film had already begun when I got to the cinema.

          She said that she had not heard from him since he left Beijing.

          * ( 8)過去將來時

          He said he would go to the cinema that evening.

          Betty said she was going to visit her uncle next Sunday.


          ( 1)一般現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài)

          English is taught in that school.

          ( 2)一般過去時的被動語態(tài)

          The song was written by that worker.

          ( 3)一般現(xiàn)在時帶情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)

          She must be sent to hospital at once.


          * ( 1)作主語

          To learn a foreign language is not easy.

          It is not easy to learn a foreign language.

          ( 2)作賓語

          They began to read.

          ( 3)作賓語補足語

          Jim asked me to help him with his lessons.

          We often heard her sing.

          * ( 4)作定語

          I have an important meeting to attend.

          ( 5)作狀語

          She went to see her grandma yesterday.

          ( 6)用在how, when, where, what, which等之后

          I don't know how to use a computer.

          Do you know when to start?

          He didn't know what to do next.

          12. 句子種類

          1)陳述句 ( 肯定式和否定式)

          2)疑問句 ( 一般疑問句、特殊疑問句、選擇疑問句、反意疑問句)

          3)祈使句 ( 肯定式和否定式)


          *13. 句子成份


          Betty likes her new bike.

          He gets up early every day.

          To learn a foreign language is not easy.


          We work hard.

          The boy caught a bird.

          He is my brother.

          They all look fine.


          Her sister is a nurse.

          It's me.

          I'm ready.

          He got angry.

          We were at home last night.

          His cup is broken.


          Tom bought a story-book.

          I saw him yesterday.

          He wanted to have a cup of tea.


          He gave me some ink.

          Our teacher told us an interesting story.


          Call her Xiao Li.

          You must keep the room clean.

          John asked me to help him.


          This is a green jeep.

          This is an apple tree.

          Are these students your classmates?

          Winter is the coldest season of the year.

          I have something to tell you.


          You are quite right.

          She will arrive in Beijing on Monday.

          He stopped to have a look.

          14. 簡單句的五種基本句型

          第一種 主語+連系動詞+表語 ( S+V+P)

          The bike is new.

          The map is on the wall.

          第二種 主語+不及物動詞 ( S+V)

          He swims.

          第三種 主語+及物動詞+賓語 ( S+V+O)

          Children often sing this song.

          第四種 主語+及物動詞+間接賓語+直接賓語 ( S+V+IO+DO)

          She showed her friends all her pictures.

          第五種 主語+及物動詞+賓語+賓語補足語 ( S+V+O+C)

          We keep our classroom clean and tidy.

          15. 并列句

          He likes maths, but he needs help.

          I help him and he helps me.

          16. 復(fù)合句


          He said ( that) he felt sick.

          I don't know whether ( if) she still works in the factory.

          I take back what I said.

          I can't tell who is there.

          Can you tell me where the Summer Palace is?


          The train had left when I got to the station.

          I'll go with you to the cinema this afternoon if I'm free.

          The students went to the farm because the farmers needed some help.

          The earth is bigger than the moon.

          He was so tired that he couldn't walk on.

          * Jack worked hard so that he might get a good job.

          Doctor Wang went to the hospital though it rained heavily.


          Find the girl who is wearing a red skirt.

          Show me the picture that you like best.

          Colour the birds which ( that) are flying.




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