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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實驗學校!
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          Unit 3 Language Study
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2018-06-08       發(fā)布人:包言

          The Second Period Language Study

          Teaching goals 教學目標

          1. Target language  目標語言

          a. 重點詞匯和短語

          ashamed, manage, quit, stress, mental, pregnant, adolescent, cigarette, drug, addicted, eventually, due to, accustomed to

          b. 重點句式 P21

          It is ... that...

          It is ... to...

          It is ... doing...

          2. Ability goals 能力目標

          Enable the Ss to learn the usage of it structure.

          3. Learning ability goals 學能目標

          Enable the Ss learn how to use it structure.

          Teaching important points教學重點

          The usage of it structure.

          Teaching difficult points 教學難點

          How to rewrite sentences using it structure.

          Teaching methods 教學方法

          Explanation and practice.

          Teaching aids 教具準備  

          A computer and a projector.

          Teaching procedures & ways 教學過程與方式

          Step ⅠRevision

          T: Good morning / afternoon, everyone. Did you find any information about how to stop smoking? Where did you get the information?

          S: I searched online and get some information on how to stop smoking.

          Top 10 Tips to Quit Smoking

          Ready to quit smoking? Here are 10 tips to help ensure your success.

          1. Identify your smoking triggers. Keep a record of when you smoke to identify your triggers so that you can make a plan to manage triggers without smoking.

          2. Talk to your doctor. Consult your doctor before you quit smoking. Modern   pharmaceutical treatments can make quitting easier. Moreover, tobacco may impact the way your body processes certain medications.

          3. Get support from your family and friends. Let them know you are quitting smoking and you want their help.

          4. Make a clean start. Throw away your cigarettes, hide your ashtrays, clean the house, your clothes, and the car if they smell like smoke — anything to help make a break from the past.

          5. Make a list of reasons to quit. Look at it every time you are tempted to have a smoke.

          6. Keep objects around that you can put in your mouth. Items such as carrots, hard candy, even straws can give you something to do when you really crave a cigarette.

          7. Drink lots of water. Water will help flush nicotine from your system and reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.

          8. Exercise. Not only will it make controlling your weight easier, it also gives you more energy and helps keep your mind from smoking.

          9. Get a hair cut. Anything you can do to draw a clear line between your life as a smoker and your new life as a nonsmoker will make quitting easier and make you more likely to stay smoke free.

          10. Find a quitting program nearest you. Log onto QuitNet.com or call your state department of health for information on local cessation assistance. Support is just a click or call away.

          T: Do any smokers around you want to quit smoking? If there are any, offer your advice to them. Next, let’s check your answers to Homework 1. I’d like six of you to read your sentences, one person, one sentence.

          Sample sentences:

          1. This morning, I was late for school due to traffic jam.

          2. Nowadays, many adolescents get addicted to online games which are harmful to their health and study.

          3. You should quickly be accustomed to the local custom if you visit a country.

          4. Although the professor is at his 80s, he is still mentally active and healthy.

          5. The bag is heavy, but I can manage it.

          6. It hasn’t quit raining yet.

          Step Ⅱ Words and Expressions

          Enable the Ss to learn and practice new words and expressions in the text.

          T: We have learned some new words and phrases from the text in the last period. Now, review the words in bold in the text and then do Exercise 1 on page 20. Change the forms if necessary.

          After the Ss finish it, check the answers.

          T: Next let’s further practice some of the words by doing Exercise 2 on page 21. Change the forms if necessary.

          Check the answers after the Ss finish it.

          T: Here I have a chart about some words we have just learned. You are asked to fill in it with correct forms of the words listed. Learning different forms of words is a good way of enlarging vocabulary. After class, you should also learn the pronunciations and usages of these words by using your dictionaries.

          Show the following chart on the screen.






          stress n.





          mental adj.





          addict v. / n.





          pregnant adj.





          ashamed adj.





          After the Ss finish it, check the answers.

          Sample answers:






          stress n.





          mental adj.





          addict v. / n.



          addicted / addictive


          pregnant adj.





          ashamed adj.





          Step Ⅲ Grammar Focus

          T: So much for the words. Today we will learn the usage of an important word, that is “it”. According to what you have learned, who can tell us some usages of “it” or how we use it?

          S1: “It” can be used to talk about weather and date. For example, it is raining now. Or “it is Friday today”.

          S2: “It” can also be used to talk about distance. For example, it is a long way from my home to school.

          T: In English, “it” is a very useful word and can be used in many ways. Today I will introduce you a very important structure — it structure. In the structure, “it” is used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive, -ing form or a clause. Look at the first four sentences in Exercise 1 on page 21. Can you tell me what it stands for in each sentence? Volunteer?

          S3: In the first sentence, “it” stands for the clause following “that”, that is “at my age I am still fit”.

          S4: In the second sentence, “it” stands for the infinitive “to fall”.

          S5: In the third sentence, “it” stands for the infinitive “to stop smoking”.

          S6: In the fourth sentence, it stands for the -ing form “crying over spilt milk”.

          T: You are right. So it is also right for us to say “That at my age I am still fit is amazing.” and “To fall is easier than to rise.” But usually we put “it” in the subject position to keep the sentences balanced. Are you clear? Now let’s do some practice about this structure. Look at Exercise 2 on page 21, rewrite the sentences using it structure.

          After the Ss finish it, check the answers.

          T: Next turn to page 58 and let’s do Exercise 2 in USING STRUCTURES. After you finish this exercise, I am sure you will have a better understanding of it structure.

          Check the answers after the Ss finish it.

          T: OK, now let’s work in pairs and do some oral practice with this exercise. One speaks out the sentences on the left column and the other speaks out those on the right. And then change the roles.

          Step Ⅳ Homework

          T: After class, please:

          1. Finish Exercises 1 && 2 on page 56 and Exercise 1 on page 57.

          2. Mark all the sentences in the letter with it structure.

          So much for today, good-bye, everyone!

          上一篇:Unit 3 Reading

          下一篇:Unit 4 Reading




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