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          Taylor Alison Swift
          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2018-06-08       發(fā)布人:袁雯
          Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American country pop singer-songwriter and actress.

          In 2006, she released her debut single Tim McGraw, followed by her self-titled debut album. As of March 2011, Taylor Swift has sold over 5.5 million copies worldwide.[7] In November 2008, Swift released her second album, Fearless. As of January 2012, Fearless has sold 9,646,311 copies worldwide.[8] The record earned Swift four Grammy Awards, including the Album of the Year, at the 52nd Grammy Awards.[9][10] Swift was named Artist of the Year by Billboard Magazine in 2009.[11]

          Swift released her third album Speak Now on October 25, 2010, which sold 1,047,000 copies in its first week.[1] As of September 2011, Speak Now has sold over five million copies worldwide.[12] The single Mean was awarded Best Country Song and Best Country Solo Performance at the 54th Grammy Awards.[13] In 2011, Billboard named her Woman of the Year.[14]

          Forbes ranked Swift 2009's 69th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $18 million,[15] 2010's 12th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $45 million[16] and 2011's 7th-most powerful celebrity with earnings of $45 million.[17] Billboard named her the most financially successful music artist of 2011, with net earnings of more than $35 million.



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