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        2. 歡迎登錄銀川外國語實驗學校!
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          瀏覽次數(shù):次      發(fā)布時間:2017-12-18       發(fā)布人:喻敏

          Taylor Swift rang in her 28th birthday on Wednesday.
          And a few of her celebrity friends have flocked to social media to share their well wishes with the globally recognized pop star.

          Posting a sweet throwback video of the pair of them giggling into a camera, Selena Gomez wrote in the caption: 'I’m glad you were born.'
          She continued: 'You write all the thoughts some aren’t able to articulate. (ME!) Thank you for giving a voice to this world that is authentic and inspiring.
          'I wish some knew how big your heart actually is.. it’s fierce, bold and freaking wild with light. I’m glad you protect that. Love you @taylorswift.'

          Karlie Kloss, a member of Taylor ’s famous girl squad, posted a selfie video of the pair of them and captioned 'Happy happy birthday @taylorswift!'

          Lily Aldridge posted a heartwarming Instagram photo of her five-year-old daughter Dixie sitting on a sofa beside Taylor . 'We love you So So So So So Soooo MUCH!!! Happy Birthday @taylorswift !!!!!' wrote Lily.

          Ruby Rose has posted a photo of Taylor looking chic in sunglasses and a black, grey and white checked crop top. 'Happy birthday magical unicorn!!!' rhapsodized Ruby in her caption.
          This year saw the release of Taylor's new album Reputation, home of such singles as the revenge-themed Look What You Made Me Do, with its not-so-veiled digs at old feudmates including Katy Perry, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian.
          Taylor celebrated her birthday on Instagram by posting a trailer for her upcoming Reputation Stadium Tour, which begins next May.



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